Comebacks if someone says you have a small dick

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Great comebacks if someone says you have a small dick

Whether it is in the change room or the bedroom, no guy wants to be ridiculed for having a small penis. If you do have a small penis, it can be devastating to have someone make an insensitive comment, especially publicly.

With people watching porn constantly, a lot of people are fooled about the actual size of man’s penis. After watching porn, fifty percent of men actually want to have a bigger member.

A lot of women also find that the average sized penis is more than enough for them.

Honestly, big penises are overrated. The average vaginal canal is only 3-4 inches deep. I’ve been with guys with huge penises and it’s not enjoyable at all. A bruised cervix is painful as hell. It’s basically a constant “Ooh, too much, too much.” – Reddit User

If you are in the bedroom and an inconsiderate girl looks over and says, “is that all you’ve got?” it can be devastating to your self-confidence. If you want to say something back, and let the person know they aren’t so hot themselves, use a few of our comebacks below.


 Well, it satisfies your mom.

 Even a 747 looks small going through the Grand Canyon.

 I’d tell you to go fuck yourself but I’m sure you’d be disappointed.

 It’s not small, it just looks like it compared to your giant vagina.

 That's funny cause your mom think's it's huge.


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