*UNFINSHED* Tracy Beaker- Elctra and Liam :) x

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 Here is my latest story, i have used the characters from Tracy Beaker Returns BBC, so i do NOT own the characters, but i did write the story my self. A.N: if you see this : XXXXXXXX then the character are in a new scene, or time has passed.


As usual, for a Saturday, Liam and Frank where eating burgers (just after getting 40 pounds off a old man) when they saw Tracy walking around. They were in shopping center, and had seen Tracy there once before. But this time... she looked worried. Liam and Frank, epically Liam, liked Tracy. She was a good care worker who was always there for them. Liam has met Tracy at the police station... but that's a different story. Anyway, Liam and Frank went down a lift to the same floor as Tracy. Tracy was sat at a table, with a checkered table-cloth, looking very... sad. It was pretty strange to see, as at the dumping ground Tracy was always lively. But no. She was just sat at a table looking boring, miserable and just plain WEIRD! 'Alright Tracy?' Asked Liam.

'Oh Liam, Frank what are you doing here?' Tracy replied with, not answering Liam's question, and sounding surprised.

'Having a laugh!' Explained Frank.

'Anyway Tracy, i asked are you OK so?' Liam, once again, asked Tracy

.'Oh, yes i guess so...' Tracy replied, sounding rather fed up, and then went on to say 'What brings you into this restaurant? It looks like you guys have has some burgers for lunch. How are you two anyway? Not at the beach with the others?'

'You don't seem OK Trace... so tell Liam your problems!' Liam said rather soothingly.

'And we saw you, and just wanted to say hello,' said Frank.

'And the beach? Na... today our shopping day! I mean, imagine US at the beach!' Said Liam sarcastically. 'OK!' Shouted Tracy, 'I give in! I will tell you whats wrong. Its that no one will buy my book... And i need to pay Cam back every penny!'

'Aha! This is good!' Exclaimed Liam

'Good?!?' Asked Frank and Tracy

'Yes! Fab!' Replied Liam. ' OK... So no one buying my books is good?' Asked Tracy suspicious.

'Yeah! Well, for me AND you!' Replied Liam.

'And what about me?' Asked Frank,

'And you!' Said Liam.

'Go on... whats your plan then Liam?' Demanded Tracy kindly. 'OK! Here it is! First, you wash the dishes at the dumping ground, when I'm meant too' Explained Liam

'WHAT?!?!' Shouted Tracy.

'You'll see Trace. So you wash the dishes on Friday,my day, and maybe Wednesday as that's Franks day. I mean Cam hates doing her dishes- so do hers too!' 'Then i will ask Johnny to do my ironing.. so i have more time to help you! And don't worry... we will work out a payment!' Liam said. 'Get Harry,to come with me to get people to buy the book. I will knock on a door; say that we are raising money by selling the books.' Liam said breathlessly.

'Why do you need Harry?' Asked Tracy

'Because he's small people dig is trust me!' Liam said. 'Then Sapph and her new boyfriend who are always KISSING (are they allowed?) can sell them to their mates! Give them a fiver each... Sapph's gonna be happy with that... if you give her a good reason.' Liam has caught his breath! 'Any idea's?' Liam asked Frank

'You could sell some of your stuff?' suggested Frank.

'But what if Cam realizes ?' Tracy questioned.

'Say you tidied up; gave some clothes to Tee Lily and Carmen.. stuff like that!' Answered Liam who always has a plan B. 'Hmm...' Thought Tracy allowed, 'You see Liam. No. Maybe the selling my stuff thing... but nothing else.'

'Ok...' Said Frank.

'No! You cant use that idea... its mine.' Liam said stubbornly- crossing his arms.

'Mine actually,' Frank pointed out to Liam. Tracy dug into her pockets, which were rather empty, and pulled out £4 and handed £2 each to Liam and Frank. 'Cheers Tracy' Liam and Frank said, 'Now what?' Frank said 'And why do you wanna get the money so fast?' he added. 'So i can go ahead and BE a writer; with out having to worry how much money i make to repay Cam!' Tracy replied in a small day dream. 'So, you want US to help YOU Tracy... So you can leave us?' Liam asked, slightly angry. 'No! Of coarse not Liam. I love you guys and everyone at the home to pieces- even Gina!' Tracy replied trying to make Liam understand. 'So why did you say that. That you would get the money and then become a writer?' Liam demanded to know. 'I can be a part-time writer you know Liam. So i work at the Dumping Ground still- AND fulfill my dreams!' Tracy explained and Liam become more relaxed. 'Anyway, lets go get some chips- I'm buying' smiled Tracy getting up from the table. 'Are you not you going to order?' Asked a stick looking woman, the waitress, looking at Tracy. 'If not, we must charge you £5 for wasting a table!' The woman demanded. Liam, was stood behind her and started doing silent impressions of the woman- making Tracy and Frank laugh. 'Its not funny young man!' The woman said pointing at Frank 'And you! Are you going to give me money and leave or will i have to get security on you?' The woman shouted. Tracy handed over the money, and walked out of the restaurant with the boys. 'Oh! Look at me! I'm miss posh-pants! That's not funny young man! Wheres my money?' Liam said in a funny, high pitched squeaky voice. Both Frank and Liam started laughing- followed shortly by Tracy.


'Bye then guys!' Tracy said to Liam and Frank, waving. 'Where are you going?' Asked Frank. 'Back to the dumping ground' Tracy replied. 'Gimmie one second Tracy!' Liam said and ran off. 'What?' Tracy said looking at Frank who just shrugged his shoulders. After a minute or so, Liam rushed back over to his favourite care worker, and his best mate. ' 1) Where did you go? and 2) why did you want a second?' Tracy questioned Liam. 'Well me wanna lift back Tracy; and i went to get some last minute chips!' Liam said in rely to her question; whilst offering Frank and Tracy some chips-in-a-cone. 'Well lets go!' Smiled Tracy and they all raced to the car.


'LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAM!' Shouted a angry sounding Gina. 'Yep- you called my name?' Said Liam. 'Oh THERE you are! Haven't heard from you since you got back from town- everything OK?' Gina asked sounding slightly concerned. 'Y'eh everything cool. And now you think I'm quiet- i better go shout the house down- oh no wait! You've all ready done that Gina :)' Liam cheekily said- with a giant grin that always stuck to that boys face. 'Ha ha VERY fun Liam, man, now help me set out the table for tea.' Gina said sarcastically punishing Liam with a small job in return to his cheekiness. 'TEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Gina shouted. 'Yes?' Replied a young girl with short hair- called Tee. 'Oh sorry Hun- meant Tea time' Gina said. 'What has she done Gina?' Asked Johnny Tee's ,over protective, brother. 'Nothing Johnny- met to say tea time.' Gina once again explained.


'MM Gina this pasta is LOVELY!' Tee said kindly and truthfully. 'Yes, wonderful!' Said Johnny. 'Yummy Yummy!!!' Squealed Harry with his mouth full. As loads of the other children made similar comments, there were two which weren't exactly kind. 'Its a'Right Gina... but chips from the chippie are nicer!' Liam said attempting not to sound too rude. 'I'm full. Well, of this stuff i am. Chicken pasta- YUK! I'm going down the chippie!' Electra said pushing her untouched plate away. 'Oie Mandy (Electra) get me some?' Asked Liam teasing Electra with her real name. 'Nope. That's not my name either.' Electra said bluntly, walking out the kitchen. 'Ok then Mandy Perkins!' Liam called. 'I WILL get you O'Donavon!' Shouted Electra not sounding too angry. Liam sat back knowing she would do nothing. Thanks im going to leave my story at that :) if i get anouth help, from you and friends, i will write more :) thanks you:) x

*ONHOLD SLOOOW UPDATE* Tracy Beaker- Elctra and Liam :) xМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя