Sanitarim breakout

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Dr Sam Loomis and Micheals nurse are driving to smiths grove sanitarium where Micheal has been kept the past 15 years. Dr Sam Loomis starts up a conversation about Micheal but the nurse doesn't want to talk. They pull up to the sanitarium wondering why all the patients are out "why are all the patients out" Dr. Loomis said "I don't know." They kept driving like nothing happened pulling up right in front of the gate which is locked. Loomis gets  out of his car to get into the sanitarium. The nurse is left alone in the car. Micheal pops up from behind the car scaring the unsuspecting nurse. Slamming the car when he's on top the nurse rolls down the window to check it out when Micheals Hand swings down covering the nurses mouth. His grip tightens as the nurse breaks free. She moves to the other side of the car. Micheal throws his hand through the window breaking it. The nurse has had enough of this. She opens the car door falling out like a rag doll. Loomis rushes over to the nurses aid but it's too late, Micheal has hijacked the car and is on the move. "Are you okay?" Dr. Loomis said "yeah I'm find" the nurse said in a quiet voice. Dr. Loomis chases after the car as the nurse rests her head agensit the pebbles.

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