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Jaemin was tired of this already.

The party.

All girls that came up to him were all cake-faces, dressed in huge dresses and wearing their hair very weirdly. They all tried to act innocent and give their respects respectfully, but Jaemin all saw that glare in their eye when they looked at him.


For him and his money. What he had and what he was not. He was not rich, his father was, but someday all that gold would be passed down to him. He didn't want the gold, nor did he want to be King.

He found no interest in it.

It just didn't sound right. Being respected for what you have and not what you are, it made Jaemins blood boil. His attitude was not the best, so his father and mother were very stricken with him.

This party was for him to find love, happiness in ones personality and looks. But as of right now, Jaemin was not having fun, and was not happy. He barely could even keep his charming smile on display.

Then the worst part of the night came.

The grand rooms main dance.

The music all the sudden became louder and woman scrambled out, tripping over each other to dance with the prince first. Jaemin glared as he saw them all with big eyes and heart filled with- joy. For him. He then felt a tap on his shoulder, and he looked to his left to see his father.
The King.

"Son, I expect you to be respectful to these wealthy woman. Show that you will be a wise, great man, and King." His father said and Jaemin only scoffed as he raised an eyebrow and got up from his chair.

The whole room bowed at once and then started dancing, freely on the dance floor. Jaemin looked around, hoping to just find for at least one who was not like the rest. Who stood out for their goodness and not money.

"Prince! Let me have this dance!" He heard a squeaky voice on his right and then he felt himself being jerked into the hold of a strong woman. She was pretty, but too much makeup, and a wig to big for her face.

"How about me Jaemin! I'm pretty!" Another yelled and grabbed him as he was turned around and started dancing with another woman. She was way to old to be here, her hair was already greying.

"Well I'm wealthy!" Another yelled, and once again Jaemin was pulled into another grasp. All at once he was being gripped at and put onto another person, he barely even felt his feet were on the ground anymore.

All the sudden he felt himself being gently taken, and started lightly danced to the music. He was too dizzy, that when he looked down at the person, he couldn't tell who it was.

"Looks like you needed some help." A soft voice came, but it was not female, it was a boy. Jaemins vision finally came back and he looked down.

His breath hitched. It was a boy. But a beautiful one at that. No, he couldn't tell what his face looked like, only his lips, and his eyes— those beautiful eyes. They were immersing, eye catching.

"Your Majesty, I cant help say it but- I think you like what you see." The boy whispered, with a little teasing tone to it, and Jaemins heart sped up. He could hear it pounding in his ears.

The boy then smiled, and Jaemin knew he was done for. The smiley eyes, the beautiful pearly whites that lit up Jaemins brain was mind blowing.

"Your beautiful." Jaemin whispered, and then realized what he just said. Too a man.

"Our you flirting with me your Majesty?" He said with a teasing smirk and then came the twirling part of the dance as he twirled himself in Jaemins arms, but faced right back after making eye contact once again.

"Maybe." Jaemin whispered, and the boy could only smirk.

"Well then, dance with me." He whispered and Jaemin then got out of his trance and realized what song it was. He then looked back down at the angel in front of him, and smiled back.

"I accept." He said and the boy smiled as he took Jaemins hand in his and started dancing around the ballroom. Jaemin was in heaven. Watching the boy infront of him dance and turn beautifully in his arms. It was addicting to watch. Watching this boy made Jaemin feel something, someway he shouldn't feel. Why isn't he walking away? Why does he feel as though his heart is going to burst? What was this feeling?

He was so immersed, that he didn't even know when the music stopped, but when it did, the boy was heaved up against him. Chest to chest. They were both panting for oxygen, and Jaemin could feel his hot breaths on his lips. He didn't know what he was feeling, but he wanted to lean in, and kiss this unknown boy.

Then the brown headed boy leaned into his ear, and spoke;

"You are very interesting, Your Majesty." He said, and all at once Jaemin was twisted and turned around as he felt different grasp on his wrist and arms.

He then revived where he was and saw girls. Clawing up on him, wanting him to dance with them. He then panicked.

Where was the beautiful boy I just danced with? What was his name?

Jaemin was desperate as he jerked around and looked around, finally he saw him, walking towards the doors. Jaemins heart raced as he instantly started pushing and running towards him, yelling once in awhile.

"Wait! Please!- sorry excuse me- wait!" He kept yelling, but when he got to the entrance with the large doors, no one was there.

Just the cold breeze and leaves scattering along with the wind.

He was gone.

The boy with the smiley eyes, beautiful breath taking smile, and soft voice was gone.

Jaemin had left him slip out of his grasp.

"I'll find you." He whispered into the night, looking up to the moon.

MASQUERADE BALL | NOMINTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon