Chapter 2

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"I said get out," the person repeated after Salem didn't respond or move.

Again, Salem didn't move, she opened her mouth to say something, but no sound made it out of the back of her throat. She wasn't extremely scared of the other person, but she was scared to a certain extent. Salem couldn't decipher if it was a female or males voice, and she couldn't see the person. By the long hair, she could have guessed it was a female, but plenty of males kept their hair long.

The person took a step onto the stairs, towards Salem, "Get out now."

Salem shook her head, "You can't tell me to do that."

"Then I'll just make you want to leave," the person responded, smirking. The person walked up the Salem, still holding onto the lamp.

"I can take you," Salem said confidently. As the person came closer she could make out that they were a female, and not much older than herself, but also smaller. Her hair looked a copper color in the discolored light, and her skin was as dark as cinnamon.

The girl grabbed Salem's shirt tightly, tossing the lamp down the stairs. "I'd like the see you try," the girl sneered in Salem's face.

"I-," Salem started.

The girl pulled Salem off her feet, making her stop talking as soon as she stated. After saying, "What was that?" the girl turned around the threw Salem down the stairs. Salem's body floppily fell down the stairs, hitting her body in almost every way possible. Her backpack came off as she fell, topping over and over as well as Salem's body.

The girl followed her. She stood above Salem, who had landed on her back, and straddled her, sitting on her stomach. Salem made a weak sounds when the girl sat on her, squirming to try to get away. "You heard what I said."

Salem tried to use her hands to push the girl off her stomach. The girl grabbed Salem's arms and quickly moved them about her head, slamming them on the ground. She moved up on her knees, taking the knife out of her own pocket and dropping it down on the left of Salem. Glancing at the knife, Salem gave the girl enough time to grab something else out of her pocket.

"Don't have the best reflexes?" the girl asked with a small sneer to it, almost sounding like she was messing around, and took her hands off Salem to focus on the object for a moment.

Salem moved her arms quickly to grab the knife, but the girl grabbed Salem's hands and slammed them back on the ground before she could grab the knife. She took the object, a small rope that she had tied a loop onto one end, and wrapped it around Salem's hands quickly, and tied the other end to the loop.

"I was right," the girl boomed, standing up and moving to the left side of Salem.

Salem's breathing quickened, moving around quickly, trying to get up as fast as she could. Her legs moved sloppily as she scrambled to get up, her legs felt like pins and needles even as she stood up. She moved her arms in front of her, still tied together.The girl remained silent all while Salem was trying to stand up.

"Jones," the girl finally introduced herself, flipping the knife and catching it. "Just incase you get away, you can tell everyone you escaped me," Jones grinned.

Salem opened her mouth to say something, most likely a comeback that she didn't think through. But Jones pushed her into the wall by her neck with one hand, the other above it pressing slightly on Salem's left neck with the knife. Salem shut her eyes as soon as her head was hit on the wall and kept them closed. She let out a moan of pain, as she tried to extend her neck, so Jones' knife wasn't right on her jugular vein. Pressing harder at the base of Salem's neck, Jones positioned the knife against her vein again.

"If you can get away alive," she spat in Salem's ear.

"I don't see why I can't," Salem stammered, bringing her arms up to grab onto the insides of Jones' arm and hold onto them as she brought her legs up to kick Jones in the stomach. Jones knife scrapped the skin off of Salem's neck and made her hands let go of her when she did this in one swift motion. The blow made Jones fall back slightly, but not fall back onto the floor. The wind was knocked out of her, and when she took a deep breath in, Salem took the chance to grab the knife with one hand and cut the rope that still held her hands together.

Jones regained her breath quickly, and knocked the knife out of Salem's hands, as soon as she had cut herself free, making the knife slide across the large room on the concrete floor. "You think that's all I have?" Jones boomed in Salem's face, taking a step closer to her.

Salem took a step to the side, hoping not to be backed up against the wall again. "It wouldn't be fair if I had a gun and you didn't," she said, turning around to grab her backpack and pull out the handgun, that had been in the front pocket the whole time. She turned around to face Jones with the gun pointed the the ground.

Jones shrugged and grabbed the inside of Salem's wrist, trying to knock the gun out of her hand. Salem responded by kicking Jones in the lower chest, making Jones fall on her back. The cement hit Jones' back and shocked the air out of her lungs, as well as hitting her head after her body hit the floor. Salem quickly pointed the gun at Jones and asked, "So I'm guessing now that I got away from you, I'm supposed to tell everyone I killed you too?" Salem shot the ground by Jones on accident, not realizing the gun had been cocked.

The girl on the floor didn't move, since the bullet hit the ground around 10 feet away from her; but even so her brown eyes moved from Salem to the stairs. Both the girls could hear the sounds of loud footsteps running down the stairs. Jones cried out in a large amount of fake pain, sitting up and holding her leg. Salem dropped her gun as soon as she saw her mothers face at the bottom of the stairs. The gun hit the ground with a loud bang. Salem had a tendency to cock the gun as soon as it was shot, also it wasn't the best gun, and when the gun hit the floor the sound was followed by another bang of the gun shooting towards Jones who had sat up by then.

Jones cried out in more pain, holding her shoulder. The gun had shot her in the shoulder, shattering part of a bone.

Storm quickly moved to Jones and knelt down next to her, instead of going over to her daughter, as she was going to before. "Is it only your shoulder?" Storm asked in a hushed voice, trying to calm Jones down. She was screaming in pain and holding her shoulder tightly, trying to stop the blood that was pouring down her shirt.

Jones shook her head and nodded towards her leg.

Storm went to the other side of Jones, to the side with the uninjured shoulder and picked her up. Jones held onto her with her one arm and draped her legs over one of Storm's arms. "We're going to get you upstairs and help you," Storm whispered into Jones' ear as she walked to the stairs.

Salem slowly followed her after picking up the gun and her backpack. She followed Jones' whimpering and her mothers' footsteps up the stairs, realizing what she had done, even thought she would be de dead herself if she didn't.

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