True Love...Triangle.

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You and your fiance, Mick, are at a random party in Philidelphia, there's alcohol, drugs and famous or rich people having sex everywhere you turn, it's overwhelming to you because you aren't a drinker or a user, it's triggering your anxiety. Mick can sense that you are uncomfortable so he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you as close as he can to himself. "We can leave at any time baby girl, just say the word" he has to yell over the loud music. You shake your head and kiss his breathtakingly soft lips,  instantly the anxiety starts to fade away. "Mick? MICKEY!!" you hear an angelic British accented voice shout over the booming music, you and Mick break the kiss and turn to face the man, "D!" Micks face lights up when he sees... David Bowie?! He's your second biggest idol next to Mick, of course, You're awestruck as they hug. David turns to you and lifts your left hand and kisses the engagement ring, you feel sparks when his skin touches yours, that only ever happened with Mick. "Who is this gorgeous woman?" He says while looking deeply into your eyes "D, This is Madison, my amazing fiance!" Mick says proudly as he wraps his right arm around you again, "Hallo Love, beautiful name for a ravishing woman, how about we ditch this party?" David looks between you and Mick with his beautifully crooked teeth showing through in a magical smile. you nod your head and blush when he looks at you with a twinkle in his eyes.

 You, Mick, and David exit the party and get into a limo, Mick and David sit on either side of you David puts a cigarette between his lips and lights it then passes it to Mick before doing it again and goes to hand it to you "Oh, David, Madi is giving up cigs, got a spliff on you?" David quickly pulls the cigarette away from you and smiles "Well, you know I normally don't carry, but as fate would have it." he pulls one out of his pack of cigarettes and lights it the same way he did with the cigarettes and places it between your lips, his fingers brush against your bottom lip which causes you to blush. "Between the both of you that must be one hell of a kiss" he takes a drag from his cig as he goes back and forth staring at both of your lips and you take a puff from David's spliff. "Oh, holy shit! David this is some good shit!" both of them laugh. "well I wouldn't give you anything less than the best, Madi!"

The limo pulls up at the hotel you and Mick are staying at so you stub out the spliff gently, there's no way in hell that you're going to waste the rest of it, David gets out first and holds his hand out to help you get out once he's done helping you he holds his hand out for Mick, Mick takes it and smiles at him, you notice the look in his eyes, they have the same twinkle as David's did while looking at you earlier, you look at David and see the same twinkle again as he looks at Mick, David wraps his left arm around you and Mick wraps his right arm around you as you all head into the hotel, you get awful glares from the elderly people you pass but you couldn't care less, you feel safe, happy, and loved... by both men strangely enough. 

soon enough you get to the room, once inside you pull the spliff out of your pocket and put it to your lips Mick and David both pull out a lighter and light it together, you all sit on the large L shaped couch in the living room, David places his right hand on your knee and looks to Mick "So, how did you two sexy creatures meet?" he winks at you and chuckles. "Well, it's funny actually, Madi is a journalist for the rolling stone magazine, I wasn't holding my breath for anything interesting to happen at all but she was- is amazing at her job! she was funny, laid back, and not to mention sexy! I fell in love as soon as I laid my eyes on her." Mick kisses your cheek and gives David a wide smile. "Oh, I know what you mean." David says as his eyes go from your eyes to your lips and then over to Mick, Mick nods his head and David look back to you and starts kissing you deeply, you're extremely surprised by this but Mick joins in, Mick kisses you and then David. they're in love it's clear to see from their body language and how they kiss, you're amazed and very intrigued as you watch them kiss over you, but what does this mean for your future marriage? your heart drops into your stomach for a moment, you knew Mick was Bisexual but you have never seen him with another man, what if you're just a cover-up? "W-What's wrong, Madi?" Mick asks as he catches his breath, you then notice you have tears in your eyes. "You two are in love..." you trail off and look down as a tear falls from your right eye. "I love you as well" they say at the same time and Mick uses his index finger to tilt your head up "You are my wife to be Madison, I love you more than I've ever loved a woman before and I will continue to love you until my dying day, David is my one true male love... I know it's a lot to take in but truly love both of you with all my heart." David gets down on one knee and takes the silver banned ring with a black stone in it off of his finger and takes your hand, "Madison, I just met you tonight and I already know what Mick feels for you because I feel it as well" he looks up to Mick again and Mick covers his mouth "Nothing would make me happier than if you would take both of our last names, if you would marry Mick but be Mrs. Jagger-Jones."  You're about to say YES!! but look up to Mick "Yes, Madi oh my God, this would be a dream come true for me" you look back to David "Yes! Abso-Fucking-lutely!" David slips his ring on your middle finger right next to the engagement ring and you kiss him deeply. 

You, Mick and David retreat into the bedroom they undress each other and then they both focus on undressing you,  You and Mick start off the first of many long, amazing, and mind-blowing nights of lovemaking.

You and Mick get married five months later, you have a gorgeous wedding and you sign the marriage certificate with Madison Jagger-Jones and Mick Signs it as Michael Jagger-Jones, you and Mick cut the cake and shove the first slice in Davids' face, Luckily Everybody knew about your relationship, David changes his name later that day at the courthouse.

You go on to give birth to your first son, Bradley, nine months later. he's a mirrored image of Mick, big beautiful lips, curly dark hair. a year later you give birth to your first daughter, Alex, she looks like David, with thick blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. two years after that you have your last baby, Decota, she looks like you. soft black hair and beautiful hazel eyes, Mick and David are amazing fathers (as if there was ever any doubt about that). 

You, Mick, and David are together for the rest of your lives, even through the rough the patches you are inseparable until the worst day of yours and Micks lives, January 10th, 2016. luckily you have each other to hold and cry on each other's shoulders, you never have to go through anything alone thanks to your True Love, Triangle.

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