Eww to More Eww

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 “Why am I being punished?”

 Unohana Taicho lowered the clipboard to look at the precocious child in front of her, the corners of her mouth twisting a little. “Hitsugaya Taicho... why do you think you're being punished?”

 “I'm being grounded, am I not?” The child asked, two bright teal eyes narrowing as they looked at her. Two thin arms were crossed around the child's waste in an attempt to not touch the chest area while the child's knees were crossed at the knees as they sat on the white sheets of the bed.

 “Now why would you think you're being grounded?” Laughing at this particular child was not an option as they were not known for taking things well. They were also despite their age a captain of the Gotei Thirteen and afforded a good deal of respect in this matter.

 “There was an explosion.”

Unohana's eyes rose up, knowing that the boy was trying to avoid particular subject matters. “I'm aware that there was an explosion. It was at Kurotsuchi's lab.”

“It wasn't my fault. Honest Unohana.” As per usual the child used her last name and yet dropped all titles associated with said name. On one side Toshiro wished to respect the adults around him, but on the other hand the higher ranking members of the Gotei Thirteen had become the child's family. If the boy wasn't so concerned about looking like an adult Unohana imagined that she would have been hearing herself called grandmother by this child.

“Really? When I came upon the location of the explosion I saw ice all over the place and you standing in the middle in full Bankai. How can said explosion not be your fault?” The woman wished to shake her head in amusement but knew it wouldn't be taken well.

“I was just taking paperwork over to Kurotsuchi's division.” The child's voice lowered to a grumble. “I hate going over there.”

Unohana decided it was time to set the clipboard down and placed her hands in her lap. The child was now averting their eyes. “Hitsugaya Taicho?”

Two thin arms dropped to the side as the child tensed up. “Fine! I got sent in the wrong direction. I then got blundered into by that idiot Rin and knocked into the Kurotsuchi of that division and into the latest concoction Kurotsuchi has coming up with! I was fine at first, but then I noticed what the potion did and Kurotsuchi brushed it off saying I'm better off this way!”

“My first question is whether the first Kurotsuchi was the taicho of the fukutaciho as they both share the same name.” Unohana found herself interrupted.

“The fukutaicho!”

“My second question is this. What did the potion do to you?”

The child shook their head, twitching as they did so. “Please...”

“Hitsugaya Taicho... you need to confront the problem, not avoid it.”

“That mad scientist turned me into a girl!”

Unohana could see tears welling at the corner of the child's eyes. If this had been any other child she would have chalked this up to a change in body chemistry. As a taicho as well as the one that was in charge of the division taking care of medical issues she was well aware of outbursts from a certain young taicho that others did not seen. While he had the mental capacity of an adult, his emotional capacity could at times be that of someone younger then himself.

“Back to another question. Why do you think you're being grounded?”

“Because I'm being confined to this room in the division!”

Eww to More Eww [Bleach Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now