I heard North yell for me then I heard footsteps coming up the steps Todd cut me then ran I screamed again I saw North come in then he untied me and then I remembered seeing Uncle Sean then darkness came over me, I woke up a week later I lost a lot of blood because of where he stabbed me before North busted the door I have a scar that is along my waist that goes from my right to left in a jagged line dipping down across my... Um Let's just say Lady part " I tell them

The room is totally silent no one is moving or talking digesting the information I just gave them

" I got out of the hospital I would lock myself in my room not wanting to talk or be around any one I couldn't sleep because every time I closed my eyes I would see him it got to the point Papas or Daddy's would have to stay with me at night just so I Would Sleep that was for about a week or so then Mama and Daddy Axel suggested I go stay with Nana Lilly and Pop Pops for a while and I did for a couple of months Nana Lilly helped me through the nightmares that I do still have but not as much " I say

Morgan let go of my hand and moved standing up he pulled my chair back enough to stand in front of me
" Harper look at me "
I lift my eyes to meet his
" Please stand up "
" Morgan. " Owen said
" Harper Stand up " Morgan  said a little more forceful
I flinched with the tone he had but I stood up knowing he would never hurt me
" Harper Jane Toma Don't you ever keep anything like this from me , You scared the hell out of me  hearing you scream No so loud sounding so scared all I wanted to do was get in the room and protect you then I find you on the floor My heart can't take that " he says as he pulls me into a bear hug his arms engulfed me then the strangest thing happen A body came behind me the body pressed up against me sandwiched me between the two bodies
I had my head into Morgan's chest then I slowly turned it so now I hear his heartbeat in my ear
" Jellybean " the voice behind me says
" Yes Mason "
" What set this off"
" His Voice in my head " I answered
" What do you mean Jellybean "
" I heard him say No one will want you after I'm Done with you , he kept saying that when he took the knife across my breast then when he cut me across my belly " I say through the tears that started to fall
" He's Wrong you know that Harper don't you" Morgan said

" Honestly no I don't Morgan the scars across me in places that i don't want anyone to see , Hell My Mama hasn't even seen them all because I won't let anyone see them they are angry red scars that criss cross across my lower belly then the one big one that the Doctors said if he would have gone any deeper I would have had to have a Hysterectomy because he would have punctured my uterus he would have taken away my chances at having my own family " I say

The room went silent again until I heard my phones text notification go off
" Who has my phone " I asked still Sandwich between the twins
" I do and it's just Jessica , she wanted to know if you wanted to go do a spa day on Saturday before the gala " Papa Brandon said
" No " I answered
" Harper go you get your nails done , Melody will go , you know what how about all the girls go Casey, Sang, Beanie , Melody , Erica, Victoria, You Harper go get pampered for the morning and then lunch together maybe some shopping " Papa said
" Yes Tell Jessica that we will all go , Ill set it up with our usual places " Mama Sang said

I knew better than to argue anymore it would be useless .

"Fine "

" Have a seat you three we still have things to discuss " Owen said

Mason stepped back enough for me to step back from Morgan who when I looked up saw his bright green eyes looking down at me he looks exactly like his daddy Kota the only difference is he has Green eyes and Uncle Kota has
I went to sit back in my seat but Morgan pulled me into his Lap I squeaked when he did that.
I gave him a look of what the hell and he just grinned at me
" You sounded like a Mouse just then " Morgan said with a laugh
" You would too if someone manhandles you unexpectedly " I said
Morgan let's out a deep laugh pulls me into a hug and whispered " I can manhandle you in so many different ways but they will all be in a good way "

I pull back and look at him wide eyed his eyes hold so much mischief  in them I couldn't help the blush that crawled across my face what the hell .

He pulled me back into him and I went willingly so I could hide my blush .

" Harper how come you didn't tell me " Beanie Asked
" Honestly because I'm ashamed of what happened that I let a guy take so much control over me that I didn't know how or what to do and when he stabbed me saying no one will ever want you I actually believe him " I say to her

Beanie moved from her seat and came over to me took my hand
" Harper you are a beautiful talented woman that made a mistake and I can tell you learned from it but don't ever say no one will ever want you because it's not true , those scars are just that scars nothing more don't let them hold you back when you find the right man he will look past them too , in away we all have scars sometimes they are physical ones others are emotional ones and besides if any man says that they don't want you because of some scars you send them my way I'll set them straight " She said with a small grin

I swear I heard three different growls and one came from the person I was sitting in there lap
What the hell Morgan I thought

" Alright Harper from now on you need to check in with us through out the day if you are not at home I know it's pain in the ass but until Todd is dealt with this is the way it will unless you want to go live with Nana Lilly and Pop Pops in Florida " Daddy Axel said leaving no room for discussion

"Fine it's not like I go anywhere other than to Melody's or over here or to the Cafe , Damn my life is monotonous as hell " I say

" Harper Jane watch your Mouth " Mama said with a smirk

" Now For the rest of you if you notice anything suspicious tell us keep things normal we don't want him to know we are watching him " Daddy Corey said

They all started to talk about how to deal with him and put out different ideas I really wanted to listen but my body was tired and Morgan didn't help he was drawing soft circles on my thigh and the way I had my head I could hear his heartbeat and that is a weakness for me it has always lulled me to sleep even as a baby
I closed my eyes and let it lull me to a light sleep

The Blending of The Blackbourne and Toma Teams ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now