7: missing..... twice?

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Anne's p.o.v
Diana, Marilla, bash and I have been looking for Gilbert for hours now. We haven't found a trace, especially since his aunt is out of town. We didn't know it would be this hard to find him. I mean, avonlea isn't that big. Although, he might be in Carmody. We still don't have a clue. We've tried getting people to help us look, but they all claim they're to busy to help. I can't believe people, saying they can't help us with finding a missing child, but helping us get the farm running. I just hope we find him. And soon.

Diana's p.o.v
Right now, its just Anne, Marilla, bash and I looking for Gilbert. I wish others were helping, but no one will. We are on our way to his house right now.
*time skip to house*
Here we are. Gilbert's house. Knock. Knock. Knock.
Only his housekeeper answered, meaning his aunt still isn't home. I wonder why he was out so late anyways. "Hello, are you looking for anyone?" she kindly asks. "Actually, yes. We are looking or Gilbert blythe. This is his residence, correct?" Marilla asks the housekeeper with a hint of worry. "Yes, this is the Blythe residence. Gilbert didn't come home last night, I figured he stayed at a friends house. Why? Is he missing?" the housekeeper asks, getting more scared by the second, the worry etching her face. "Unfortunately, he is missing. He didn't stay at a friends house lady night and apparently didn't come home. Do you know of anyone he might be willing to help search for him?" I steps in. The housekeeper's face turns sad. "I don't know of anyone personally, but there might be people in Carmody. Its worth a shot. In the meantime, I have to stay here and wait for his aunt to come back." the housekeeper says. "Thank you very much for your help, it means a lot to us." Bash says.

Bash's p.o.v

Its almost 6 by now and it will be getting dark soon, we all know. We've split up and we're covering a couple streets and alleyways at a time now. I think that at this rate, we'll find Gilbert in no time. I just wonder what happened and if he's ok. Soon, I look through an alleyway and I see a lump in the middle. I walk cautiously towards it. As I get closer, I notice it looks like a human. With dark hair and a sweater. Grocery bags with spoiled milk and other things. As I get even closer, I notice its the one and the only, Gilbert Blythe. I pull out my phone and tell everyone that I found him and where I'm at. After I put my phone back, I notice something peculiar. Bruises and cuts all over his face and arms, he even has a black eye and seems unconscious. As everyone files into the alley, they notice it too. Finally, when Marilla showed up, she gingerly picked him up and we all followed, not knowing what she was thinking.

Marillas p.o.v
As we get back to green gables I start assigning chores to people. "Anne, would you mind fetching me a bucket of water from the tap? Diana, can you start up the fire? There's wood be the door. Bash, could you find an extra blanket for Gilbert here?" as I name things off, everyone goes to their assigned chore. I bring Gilbert upstairs to an extra bedroom that hasn't been used for what seems like decades. I notice how dark it is now, and I decide to light a candle. As soon as that's done Bash brings a blanket in and places it over Gilbert. "Has Anne come back inside?" I ask him. He just shakes his head. As he does I head swiftly down the stairs and open the front door. "Anne! Come back inside now, quickly please." I wait what seems like a minute and don't see her or hear a reply. "Anne!" I say as I start heading outside. I keep calling her name until i can visually see the tap, Anne standing next to it, still pumping water. "Anne. That's enough water, come back inside. Hurry up. Its getting dark." I say, as Anne starts walking towards me and nodding. As she gets closer to me I see that the bucket is heavy, so I take it from her and walk inside. "Anne, thanks for getting the water. Diana is the fire going?" I hear a faint yes from the living room. I take the bucket with me upstairs and grab a rag from a nearby closet. As I get in the room I see bash, anne, and Diana watching over Gilbert as I was gone. If I do say so myself, Anne has a secret crush on Gilbert Blythe.
~time skip 2 hours~

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