He didn't look much like a Waiter either. He had electric blue hair, with black tips, very dark brown eyes that could easily be mistaken for black, And pale, almost florescent, skin.

He had a lanky form, slouching with every breath he took. Like an old man.

Like he was sick.

Vivianna's mother and father ordered wine and sent him away. The waiters eyes never left Vivianna's face. She refused to make eye contact.

"It really is a shame Tommy and Stella aren't here" Her father droned. Vivianna's head snapped towards her fathers face so fast she almost got whiplash. He seemed to be implying something.

They were in a classy 5 star restaurant, drinking wine. The restaurant was pretty busy, but they still got thier glasses refilled the moment it was emptied.

The waiters seemed to keep refilling over and over without question. Vivianna was on her 5th glass and she was feeling slightly dizzy.

Vivianna was snapped back to reality when she heard her mother whimper, unshed tears shinning in her eyes.

"Mom whats wrong?" Her mother didn't answer, she just picked up a nearby napkin and gently whiped the tears away as her father scowled.

"Mom.. ? Dad ..? Wheres Tommy and Stella?" Vivianna whispered, suddenly panicked by her mothers tears and her fathers silence.

You could only hear her mothers gasping sobs as she cried.

Vivianna's father looked her straight in the eyes and said "Dead there dead, and soon you will join them" His voice was almost robotic. Emotionless.

Her mouth fell open "What?" She whispered, fear running through her veins. Was her father threatening her? Tommy and Stella couldn't be dead.... Right?

Vivianna watched as her father picked up a large butchering knife. The blade gleaming dangerously.

"I guess i should just kill you. Your a stupid girl. Did you really think you and Darcious would really end up together? How many times do we have to kill you off for you to realize there's no hope? Stupid human girl" Her father spat, now the knife coming very close to Vivianna's skin.

Darcious? Who the hell is that? What is he talking about?

Suddenly everyone in the restaurant were watching. Faces emotionless. As though they couldn't care less about the king now trying to slash at his daughter with a knife.

"Mom!" Vivianna screamed, her chair flying behind her as she sprang up, trying to dodge her fathers flying arm as he tryed to cut her.

Her mother just watched. Emotionless. She couldn't care less.

"Daddy please stop!" She screamed, tripping over a man in a tweed suits leg. She looked up at him, praying that he would help her.

To Vivianna's horror, he picked her up with a steel grip, and held her against her will in front of her crazed father.

"Let me go!" She screamed, thrashing against him, her legs flying everywhere as she tried to kick her father as he raised the knife over his head.

The Waiter with electric blue hair flew out of the kicthen yelling "Stop!"

Vivianna felt her heart soar as she watched him take the knife from her father.

"You cant kill her!" He punched her father and he took a step back startled.

"Thank you so much" Vivianna cried, tears falling down her cheeks.

The Waiter had his back turn towards her, and Vivianna watched in terror as all her hopes died and burst into flames.

The waiters hunched over back suddenly began to grow taller, like he was bending over. His clothes ripped off his body as he began to grow bigger.

His florescent skin began to turn black, and as he turned around his spin began to show through now rubbery black skin.

He had a long snout like an alligator and his eyes were blood red. His once electric blue hair burst into flames on his head.

His now hind legs reminded Vivianna of a black, red eyed, standing dog.

He put his face right in front of hers, his breath smelled of metal and blood.

"You'll soon no what it feels like to be betrayed by the ones you love most. Ill kill him. Ill kill your precious Daniel. You'll die right beside him" He hissed, before he suddenly ran to her father and began to grown smaller.

He was the size of a soda can when he squeezed his way through her fathers mouth, and down his throat.

Vivianna watched as her fathers eyes turned red, then back to brown faster then the blink of an eye.

"Vivianna come on, wake up. Please wake up?" The voice echoed around her skull and she was startled awake, Daniel was kneeling beside her in his tiny living room on his couch.

Vivianna clung to him, Gasping for breath.

It was all a dream, yet Vivianna couldn't shake off the feeling that it was very much real.

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