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* Drink Water • drink at-least 6-8 glasses a day to keep your hair & you healthy!

* Make sure you choose a conditioner thats good or right for your hair! Bc some conditioners leave residue which is . . . Ew.

• Rinse Products out with cold water • it seals your hair cuticle & locks in moisture!

* Don't brush your hair while its wet • this will snag your hair & cause breakage.

* Eat • Eat protein!!! This will make a difference in your hair!

* cut the split ends • if you don't , it will travel up all up to your roots & the hairdresser will have to cut of more than you want. ( don't trim often tho !!! • get them cut every 3-6 months)

*Don't wash your hair everyday ! Wash it every-other day or once a week!

* braid your hair at night! [ do this when your about to go to sleep!

* rub oil in your hair [ roots to ends ] then massage it for a few minutes! Next , do a downward dog or a handstand for 4 minutes ! This will help the blood flow get to your head so it can increase hair growth! [ do this each day for a week until you see results !!!]

* don't brush your hair alot !!! Just brush it for 6 minutes each day , nothing more!

* before you wash your hair in the shower , massage your head for a few minutes!

* massage your hair regularly !!! Without the oil though! Take a few minutes like about; 3 minutes. & massage !!!

[when your washing , for shampoo , focus on scalp. Conditioner , focus on tips]


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