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Yes, I'm updating. Gove me feedback for a fast update. I'm thinking of having the above photo made into the book cover. Would you like it or should I keep this one.

J-Hope was reading his record sheet when his phone come to life. The name Jeon Jungkook flashed at the screen. A sigh escaped his lips at that but it soon turned into a frown. Jungkook didn't even know him here. Why would he call him? For a second he debated whether to pick up the phone or not.

The phone rang a second time and he decided to pick it up. For all, he knew it could be important.

“I'm your hope, you're my hope. I'm J-hope”

He tried to make his voice as cheerful as possible but he felt as if his weariness was showing from his voice alone. He missed his members. And although him, Namjoon and Yoongi were in the same boat they were at rival agencies. Jungkook Jin and Jimin had no recollection of the other world events and memories.

Taehyung was nowhere to be found. As if he didn't exist at all. This whole thing was a mess and for a second he wondered if this all occurred because of the wish he made of going solo.

“Hobie-hyung? Is that you?”

He stared at the phone confused for a second. No one called him Hobie-hyung. At least in this world. Before this, Maknae line actively used to call him that but now two of them don't even remember him and the last one was nowhere to be seen. Then he realised it was Jungkook who had called him.


His voice turned out as tentative as if checking with the other that this was no prank. If this was, he would start to lose all hope.

“Thank God Hobie-hyung, I thought I would go mad. I woke up in America on a world you're with GOT7 with none of you here and people don't remember BTS at all and Taehyung-hyung is nowhere to even be remembered and I have two sets of memories and-”

And J-hope could not help but laugh. Finally, Jungkook had remembered.

“You'll be in Seoul next week for the break, right? Let's meet Namjoon and Yoongi then to discuss this. Currently, we are the only ones who remember”

Tears were escaping his eyes but he didn't mind them at all. Finally, the group was coming around. Only Jin and Jimin were left and then they could find Taehyung and they'll be whole again.

The phone disconnected from a soft mumble of alright and he sighed a sigh of relief. Now he needed to Inform Namjoon and Yoongi. He felt nothing could make this day any better till his phone rang with a ding. He had received a message from both Namjoon and Yoongi.


Jin-hyung just got his memory back.


Jimin remembered everything.

And his day just got better, but he did wonder if this was because of an incident. After all him, Namjoon and Yoongi also their memories back on the same day. The day two years ago when they joined their agencies.

Let's meet next week. Jungkook also recovered his memories. We'll have a talk.

Now all that's left was to find Taehyung. Hopefully, it won't be that difficult. Because he really was worried about the younger. He didn't look that great the last time he saw the younger.

Somewhere in a hospital a teenager smiled looking out the window. It was a new start for him too, free of his burdens.

So sorry. But on the high note, I updated.

So next chapter, do you want Taehyung or any of the other boys?

Do you want anything else? Want to see anything else? Don't be afraid and hit me up anytime to ask anything.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2018 ⏰

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