The Call

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Matt's POV
I sat at my desk,  doing paperwork as it was an everyday thing by now. I heard Demo and Leon playing with dolls and stuff.. Whatever they do.

After a bit of more paperwork, my phone started to ring. I picked it up seeing it was Thomas.

“ Hello?” I answerd,  I heard his heavy breathing on the other side.
“Matt! Is that you?! ” He shouted, I rolled my eyes.
“ Yes, what do you want?” I quickly got impatient.
“Edd.. He's in an asylum! Get him out of there! ” Tom panicked.
“Ed- Why? He knew to just go to you if anything was wrong.” I replied keeping a calm tone.
“ You know what? Nevermind. I'll just get him out. But explain what exactly happend. ” I said.
“Well.. He was acting all weird after the incident. He would twitch at times and even scream at night. We didn't know why.
When we tried to ask he just shook his head closing the door on us. Then the next night he was crying.. After a couple days of that we just thought he was bipolar with all of his mood swings.
After a month we finally got him to go outside,  and we were happy for him.. But he still didn't act normal.
Then we seen.. This lady in a lab coat, she was clearly a docter so we asked if she could help Edd.. A-and.. She took him, and he never came back.. So we looked for him and seen him through a small building in a window saying: 'Ozwald's Mental Hospital' I'm so sorry... ” Tom cried into the phone as he talked about the 'lady'.
“Calm down, Thomas,  I'm not mad at you. ” I said softly trying to confort the black-eyed bean on the other side.

After that, we said our goodbye's, and hung up. I looked back at the paper I was writing on and put my pen down standing up.
I looked at a virtual map I had on the wall, making it 'Zoom-in' onto the asylum. It was a large place with a big door that I clearly needed a code to get into. But I know I'll find it. I smirked to myself saying:

“ Now,  to get you back,  Old Friend. ”

(TomsWorld) EddxMatt Asylum!AUWhere stories live. Discover now