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Prologue Rebels at Twilight

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          Brooke Holliday loved the Twilight Drive-In.

          Her love of the place had blossomed at the ripe age of five when she had first stepped onto the property. Sure, she enjoyed seeing new movies down at the Bijou, but there was something almost ... too nostalgic about the drive-in to pass up, even in a town as seemingly anachronistic as Riverdale. The Twilight specialized in older films, movies that had at least fifteen to twenty years on them. Tonight was a testament to that fact, the sight at the front gate lot displaying the title Rebel Without a Cause.

          But, unfortunately, right above the film's title were the words The Last Drive-In and Closing Night. Brooke had known about this change for days, almost a week even, but the decision still left a glare to her eyes and a bitter taste in her mouth. The closing of the drive-in was something that everyone had seen coming — it just wasn't bringing in as much money as it used to. And half the time the place actually had customers, they lost out on fares in the form of teenagers smuggling in their friends under blankets or in the trunks of cars to avoid paying for multiple tickets. And then, of course, there had been the final nail in the coffin.

          When the announcement of the drive-in's closing had been made official, it had come straight from Mayor McCoy's office. And it wasn't hard to see why the pristine mayor deemed the closing as a necessity on her to-do list. The Twilight Drive-In was located smack dab in the middle of the Southside, the rundown part of town that wasn't exactly sunshine and roses. Not that Northside was perfect, but Southside didn't exactly have the best reputation. Once you crossed the tracks, white picket fences turned into rundown buildings and trailer parks, gang members strewn around as far as the eye could see.

          The largest gang on the Southside by far were the Southside Serpents, a group of petty thieves and bikers that had taken to loitering on the drive-in's property over the course of a summer. If the Twilight had seen dwindling patronage because of ticket prices, the presence of the Serpents had warded off almost all that was left. Between that and an anonymous buyer making the Mayor an offer she simply couldn't pass up? It had been all too easy to close down the drive-in permanently. And while there were people like Brooke who weren't pleased, there were residents of Riverdale who had been just downright thrilled over the news.

          Shannon Holliday, Brooke's mother, was one of those people. It wasn't hard to see why. Shannon had despised the Serpents, and the Southside in general, with a burning passion for years. She had always detested Brooke crossing the tracks to see movies, always reiterating what most other Northsider's say. The only people who go to the drive-in are people who want to buy crack or you're likely to end up getting attacked on the Southside.

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