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Assalamualaikum! I am back, YAY! (after exactly a month!  :") )


Getting up early in the morning, I felt fresh and relaxed. Last night, my parents told me to visit my in-laws and also since Ahad was coming home. I couldn't deny I was very excited to see him even though it had been only a week since I last saw him. My dad dropped me off at my in-laws. Uncle and dad had a long conversation on recent events in the politics. I left them in the doorway as they continued talking which felt more like arguing and went to look for auntie.

"Oh my God! Look at you, you are so big Ma Sha Allah." She hugged me, well at least she tried. I was happy that I wasn't offended by her remark. My first few months in my pregnancy, I was very sensitive. Even when Ahad tried to compliment, I'd take it the wrong way. I am just glad that he didn't leave me.

"I am happy to see to you too." I laughed as I followed her in the lounge. Noor who was doing her work quickly got up and greeted me. I smiled as I sat down and joined them.

"Thank God you came early instead of waiting for Ahad bhai to come. We missed you." Noor said, while her attention was on the magazine she was reading and here I thought she was working.

"You could have come and meet Mahrukh and Abdullah as well." I replied teasing her.

"I asked Shazzy and dad to take me but they both insisted they were busy." She made a face. Even though she was in entering in her twenties, she didn't act like one. Well, I guess that's how young siblings are in every family.

"You shouldn't have bothered them during a cricket match." Auntie rebuked her lightly. "You know how much they all love that sport."

Of course, I knew it too. Ahad wasn't as crazy as uncle and Shahzaib but he was somewhat. Watching cricket match after a very tiring day at work was acceptable for him as compared to dining out or shopping; not that I asked a lot.

"So, you know when is he arriving?" Noor asked.

"Yeah, he'll be here in the morning." I told her. He told me he'd be with Fahd after work so he'd drive back to home in the morning. Noor had an off day so we spent all morning watching movies and talking about random stuff. After a lot of insistence and arguing, Noor and auntie made lunch with a little bit of my help. She said I shouldn't be working too much as I'll tire myself easily that way.

"You don't know how much I was craving your food." I said, filling my plate with 'Chicken Qorma' that she specially made for me.

Uncle and Shahzaib both had joined us, ladies, for lunch. It just felt like a usual family luncheon. Everybody was having a good time; though we missed Ahad but only a little bit. Noor teased Shahzaib the whole time asking him about his fiancé, Aisha.

"So, when are you going to meet her again?" She asked. I smiled inwardly seeing the slight blush on his face that vanished soon after it appeared.

"She is busy with her house job." He replied, and started eating again.

"Do you know Bhabhi that your soon to be sister-in-law is becoming a doctor?" Noor continued.

"Yeah?" I said, motioning her to continue.

"Yeah, and you know what? Despite her tiring house job and endless hours, they have been to more dates than you can imagine."

"What?" Uncle and auntie laughed out loud while Shahzaib got up and lunged towards her sister probably to pull her hair. I joined the parents laughing along with them.

Soon they returned hearing the call from their mother, both looking a little disheveled. Shahzaib continued eating fast so that he could get out of here away from Noor's consistent teasing. Noor's perfect hair bun was a mess which I had already anticipated.

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