part 18 | final round - takeyama vs bakugou

Start from the beginning

"Come on man!" he shot himself towards her before slamming his fist into her gut, making her body smack down onto the concrete floor & her cough up saliva

"Hurts, doesn't it?" he kicks her away & smirks to himself, she weakly picked herself up before looking around, she got a bit of an idea before running towards Bakugou at full speed, when he goes to explode her she slid beneath him & let her hand glide all over the ground before snapping her finger "Fucking dammit!!" the ground exploded & forced Bakugou to jump away, his eyes widened when she appeared from out of the smoke & punched him across the face

"That's not it!" she pulled something out & threw it at Bakugou & when it grew

"IS THAT ONE OF THE 0 BOTS?!?!?!" everyone screamed, she merely shrugged

"I shrunk a few of them down then reprogrammed them so they wouldn't attack me or the crowd, plus its not at its superior height that it'll be out of bounds."

"Clever, Takeyama-san. If it was I'd tell you that you would be out."

"EH?! Seriously...?! Damn." she noticed it grab Bakugou & throw him up, she crouched down & blasted herself up & managed to punch him across the face, he glared at her before grabbing her by the collar & throwing her down to the bot. She landed harshly on it's shoulder & glared up at Bakugou but flinched a bit when he harshly glared down at her

"This is nothing!! You merely helped me with something I've been working on!!" he was able to use his quirk to make him spin in the air, she took a step back & looked down "I'm gonna send you flying so I can win!! Howitzer Impact!!" & the huge explosion was created, she grit her teeth as she jumped down the 0 pointer bot & slid down it, a huge gust of wind was made that caused people's hair to fly back

"Whoa!! He added momentum & rotation to that huge blast in the fight we saw earlier with Uraraka!! But the isn't over until we see the condition Takeyama is in!!!"

"Tsk." she wiped away the smoke that landed on her cheek & looked back at Bakugou, he grits his teeth as he landed before shooting multiple explosions at her but she countered them with explosions of her own 

"Dammit..." she looked at his arms & saw they were throbbing & twitching "That big attack I did took a lot out of me, at this rate... she'll win." he looked over felt her hands interlock with his & wrap around his waist "H-Hey, what are you..." he then suddenly started getting chilly

"I already did this to Ten-chan, so I'm doing this to you, cous. Temperature Decrease. Unlike me, you sweat a substance similar to nitroglycerine, so I'm dropping your body temperature to where you can't sweat until a few minutes!" he tries to use his quirk to explode her away but the explosions were too small, he wasn't sweating enough "So..." she spins around & slams his body down on the ground, she lifts her leg & goes to slam it down on his stomach but he rolls away

She tsked as he got back up, he still wasn't sweating enough so he was on defense when she ran at him. She goes in for a kick or even a punch but luckily he dodges, she spun around on one leg before lifting her other up & kicking him across the face & sending him flying backwards. He was finally sweating enough so he goes to use his giant explosion again but she immediately noticed, so she interlocked hands with him again

"I wonder what would happen if I do this?" she said, his eyes widened when he was the one that got hurt & was sent flying back "Man!! I didn't think it was going to be that easily, I thought you were going to be a bit more challenging like Shouto! Oh well." 

"Dammit... dammit no! It wasn't suppose to end like this!!" he cried out as he got back up again

"If it isn't, then come on, Katsuki!!" he then noticed her start running towards him with her fist pulled back & multiple explosions emitting from her fist, he growled & felt that he had a little bit more juice left in him & he started running toward her again. They let out a battle cry & just as they were in front of each other their fists collided & it created a huge explosions, almost like the one she created with Shouto in the last battle

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