Chapter 5: Telling Austin

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Judson got off the plane in Atlanta Georgia and from there he drove a rental car to his dad's house in his hometown of Tifton.

"Hi dad."  Judson said as he got out of the car. "What are you doing here?" Austin asked. Judson shrugged. "Cerise is pregnant. So I came home for a couple days to think."

Austin looked at him. "You got her pregnant?! What happened to no sex before marriage?!" He yelled.

"I don't know! It might not be mine!" Judson yelled back. Austin lost it. He pulled him inside and slammed the door. He brought his voice to a low whisper. "Did she cheat on you?"

Judson shook his head. Austin tapped his foot "Are you breaking your engagement off?" He asked

Judson shook his head again. Austin took a deep breath. "What the fuck happened?"

Judson revealed that night. "Okay? But it wasn't her idea. It was Derrick's."

Austin rubbed his head "So you let him have sex with your Fiancè. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Judson groaned. "Nothing! I was involved in it too so the baby could be mine."

Austin bit his lip. "For your sake and your now pregnant Fiancè; I pray this baby is 100% yours. You're gonna need a DNA test after the baby is born."

Judson stood. "Are you still selling the house you built next door?" He asked.

Austin shrugged. "Yeah, why?" He replied. He watched Judson take a breath.

Judson looked at him. "I want to take Cerise and help her raise the  baby in that house. Even if it isn't mine."

Austin paced the floor. "Son, you wanna take her out of Minnesota and move her here to Georgia? You can't. I'd love for you to have that house but.... her parents.... her siblings.... they're everything to her. You know that. She's not just gonna move cause you ask her to."

Judson sighed "but I want you to be able to see your grand baby too. Dad this is hard."

Austin laughed. "Welcome to the stresses of adulthood and the fear of becoming a daddy."

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