Chapter 1

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Have you ever had a feeling that everything is going to go terribly wrong. Growing up I was told everything happens for a reason. But I had no idea till this day in my 17 years of life why this why happen. This tragedy happened when I was 8 years old...

Flashback we were in the car my mom was driving my twin brother and I in the back my dad in the passenger seat Mommy I asked what baby girl she said Can we get ice cream I said she turned to look at me smiling and said yes but she shouldn't have turned in a truck came and hit her side of the car my brother and already moved towards me so we didn't get hurt or my dad only mom she was killed on impact
while I only sprained my arm my brother had a bloody nose and my dad hurt his shoulder the ambulance came and I asked why they put her in a bag the lady officer told me she was going to be an angel I believie her I asked whe she was coming back she didn't answer just gave e me my moms necklace and said to never take it off because it was special to my mom so it should be to me two

so as expected everything was semi-normal went to school came home did homework I ate went to bed and repeat until one day we came home as little 8 year olds our dad was drunk sleeping with some random girl on the couch. I screamed and started to cry my dad scratch that sperm donor got dressed came towards me and slapped me across the face and kicked me in the stomach and punched my brother in the stomach and stepped on his neck not hard enoguh to kill him just enough to hurt him and yelled at us to not ever interrupt him again and he gave us rules

1 get home do your homework and do not eat and clean the house
2 stand in the living room waiting for daily punishment
3 eat and tend to wounds
4 shower and go to bed
If any of these rules are broken the punishment will be ten times as worse 10 years later we still follow these rules except we take showers In the morning and we have more chores
That day our lives changed forever
As we got older the punishments got worse he burned us hit kicked slapped anything he could do to hurt us he did it. For River that thing was me our "father" knew that the only way to really hurt either of us was to hurt eachother.

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