Glorfindel had his arms wrapped his darling wife's waist, his head tucked into her neck, and their legs entangled together. (Y/N)'s hands rested upon Glorfindel's arms and her chest rose and fell as she breathes evenly.

(Y/N) stirred in her sleep, her body was now starting to become heated and her eyes, though she could not see them, were yellow and bloodshot. Her stomach turned and her eyes snapped open as she jolted out of bed and emptied her stomach into an empty bucket.

Glorfindel shot out of bed and followed after his wife. He held her (H/C) strands back and cradled her in his arms after she was finished. She felt immensely weak and exhausted though she had a full nights rest.

Glorfindel, after helping his wife dress then himself, helped her to the healers room where they found a sight of horror. Many other elves had taken ill as well. Their eyes yellow and bloodshot, skin pale as snow, all while shivering.

"No! No! We can't take anymore fever victims go to Lothlorien or Rohan!" An exasperated healer shouted slamming the healing wing door shut in their faces.

Glorfindel was about to kick in the door and tell the doctors who he was when (Y/N) collapsed in his arms. He jolted and struggled to catch her as she fell suddenly. Luckily he was able to and he quickly carried her to their room. He packed essentials and other things before taking it down to the stables and saddling up his horse and their belongings.

He ran back upstairs and picked his wife up bridal-style. He rushed down to the stables and put (Y/N) onto Asfaloth. He made way towards Lorien. Night quickly came upon them. (Y/N) could not make it through the night without warmth so he quickly dismounted Asfaloth and set up a small camp.

He made a makeshift bed for her and Asfaloth laid behind her as another source of warmth. Glorfindel made a small fire and got it as close to her as he could. He took out his water canteen and put it against her lips. He let a small amount trickle into her mouth and down her throat until she had enough. He drank some himself before taking out a piece of Lembas and taking a small bite from it before putting it away.

He took off his cloak and put it around her shivering firm before curling up beside her as well. "Dear Manwë, please give her enough strength to get to Lothlorien or at least to gaze upon the beautiful sunrise once more." He prayer. "Or give her my health and let me carry her burden, let her live to see the beauty that is the world you have created, let her live." He whispered out not taking notice to the tears trailing down his face.

A small dry cough made Glorfindel jolt slightly and he saw that (Y/N)'s (E/C), yellow orbs were staring at him. "You act as if a small fever can take me out, Meleth. Do you not remember me being dragged down by a Balrog. I will live." She whispered out cupping his cheek.

Glorfindel smirked, she was still as sassy as ever even with her yellow fever. "I know, but it has probably already taken many lives back home. Speaking of which, we're making way to Lorien to get proper treatment for you since the healers in Imladris have already many other lives on their hands." He explained.

"If elves can catch the fever, I highly doubt they want a fever victim in their kingdom. They may send us back and have me ride it out." She whispered leaning her head against his chest. "And does the healer back home not know who you are?" She snorted.

*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*

Once they arrived in Lothlorien days later, as (Y/N) predicted they didn't allow them into the city but they didn't turn them away. They sent two healers to the edge of the city and helped heal (Y/N). They couldn't do much to end the fever but they helped keep her cool and hydrated until the first frost came sweeping into the city.

When the first came by (Y/N) breathed in the cold air and she shivered from happiness. She stretched her arms up high and Glorfindel smiled seeing his wife already improving. She wouldn't be fully healed for a few days but the first killed off the mosquitoes (which carried the virus) and helped heal all the sick internally.

Lady Galadriel had (Y/N) take a horse for herself to ride back to Imladris. "You're welcome here anytime lady (Y/N) and lord Glorfindel. We wish your city the best of luck and may you have the safest travels." She spike in her enchanting voice.

(Y/N) smiled and thanked the lady of light before making their way to their home. "Told you a small fever couldn't take me." She teased as the night set in. (Y/N) stopped at the edge of a cliff. The stared out onto a small village, their city's lanterns began to be lit and the soft noises of animals filled their ears.

(Y/N) turned her head to the sky, the stars of Lady Varda panting it like a canvas as they did on most nights. "Thank you." (Y/N) mouthed to the sky if only she could have seen the Valar smile down upon her in happiness, if only she could see them smile down upon every life, big and small, that walked across their beautiful world.

The hobbit & lord of the rings oneshots & imagines (Discontinued)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu