12: 10/31/18

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QUICK NOTE: this is in Ryan's POV and a Halloween chapter. Honestly if you want you can skip it.
   I woke up groggily from my bus bunk,Jack frantically nudging me awake.
"Ryan, it's the Atlanta show," Jack said as he poked me through the curtain.
"And?" I said, rolling over on my other side to get away from the light that was shining through the crack in the curtain.
"And?" He scoffed. "We have to go pick out Halloween costumes."
I forgot we promised the fans to dress up for the set that was on Halloween, and that day came quicker than I expected.
I groaned and flipped out of the bed, wearing just my Pixar shirt and grey sweats.
"Is this appropriate to wear?" I said, giving him an annoyed expression.
"You could wear your boxers and I wouldn't give a shit," Jack laughed. "Now cmon, Adam and Natalie are waiting."
"Natalie, huh?" I said, stuffing my hands into my sweatpants pockets.
"Yeah she wants to go because she doesn't have a costume," Jack said missing the point. "Now cmon, the car is waiting."
I groaned and slipped on my slides that were by my bed and followed Jack out to the car. Natalie was sitting in the driver's seat and Adam beside her.
"Get in losers, we are going shopping," Natalie yelled out of the rolled down window, laughing. I cracked a smile and climbed into the car.
I had no idea what I even wanted to dress up as, let alone what the store would have. I thought to give Lauren a quick call, maybe she'd know.
After six rings, I got the same thing I have been getting the past few times I've tried to call.
Hey this is Lauren, sorry I missed your call but just leave a message and I'll try my hardest to get back to you!
Her voice sounded sweet and happy, just like how I remembered it. We had texted back and forth a little in the last few days,but I knew she was busy with midterms and that's why she was responding or answering as fast.
"Who was that?" Natalie asked, looking back at me through the rear view window.
"Oh," I said ending the call. "I just tried to call Lauren."
"Still no answer?" She said, sounding annoyed.
"She's got midterms, that's all." I defended her to Natalie. Jack gave me and shrug and Adam kept his glance on the passing buildings, not getting into the drama.
"Still, at least a call would be nice," Natalie said under her breath.
A few minutes passed and we pulled up to the nearest Spirit Halloween. This was the first time being in one of these stores considering Mom always made our costumes growing up.
We all ran into the store like kids in a candy shop. The employees probably thought we were crazy as we entered.
We were in the mask section and I spotted the perfect mask from across the aisle.
"Hey Jack," I said, slipping on the rubber mask over my glasses and head. I snuck behind him and scared him with the pigeon mask.
"No," he said taking a few steps away from me and giving me a threatening point. "No."
We all laughed at how serious Jack got and I slipped the mask off, holding my stomach from the pains.
"I think this is a winner," I said in between laughs.
"No," he repeated like a three year old.
We continued in the store, looking at what felt like every single costume in the store, even the baby section.
"Oh my gosh," Natalie said, holding up a baby girl costume that was a strawberry. "How fucking adorable is this?"
"Aww," I said taking the costume from her hands. I looked at the costume for an odd amount of time.
"Gosh, I can't wait to be a mom and get to dress my kids up for Halloween like this," she said, filing through the costumes.
"Yeah," I said setting down the costumes. "Me too."
We each picked out a basic Halloween character costume. I went with Dracula, Jack got Frankenstein, Adam got a werewolf, and Natalie got a mummy costume.
We all got back in just enough time for sound check and lighting fixtures. In just a few hours time, thousands of fans would be filling the space that was displayed in front of me, all wearing their own Halloween costumes. I was fucking ecstatic.
"Hey," Natalie said coming up to me. "Some of the roadies and the venue employees want to have a little Halloween bash if you wanted to come."
"Oh, uh I don't know Lauren and I are supposed to FaceTime tonight because-"
"Oh come on," She whined, stepping closer to me. "It's not like she's your ball and chain, live a little."
She smiled at me, almost hypnotizing me to say yes to her, which I ultimately did.
She squealed and gave me a quick hug. "Great,can't wait." She said and left the backstage area.
I laughed and pulled my phone out to see a few text messages from Lauren.
Lauren: sorry I missed your call, I was in lecture.
Lauren: wait tonight you guys are dressing up, right?
Lauren: please send me a pic!
Lauren: You have to be Dracula so you can do a pun like 'had a FANGtastic time tonight in Atlanta!' Or some shit like that
I laughed at her texts and went to the bus to get changed into my vampire costume.
I looked at myself in the mirror. The costume was one size too small and I looked ridiculous in the cape and popped collar. Natalie spiked my hair and paled me out with some makeup.
"I look ridiculous," I said, trying to talk through my fake plastic teeth that were definitely not being used tonight.
"You look fine, shut up," she said laughing, speckling foundation onto my face. "Thank god you don't have a beard like Adam or Jack because this would be 10x harder."
I laughed and watched her do her magic, transforming me into the cult classic horror character.
I could hear the chants already coming from the crowd from the backstage area. I was so pumped for the show but not pumped to accidentally rip this cheat costume while dancing tonight.
The sound roadies got out mics on and we were just 30 seconds from the show starting.
"Good luck," Natalie said with a smile and squeezed my hand two times in hers before walking away. I felt my phone buzz for a text message and Lauren's contact popped up with a text.
Lauren: good luck :)
I smiled and stuffed my pocket into my pants and ran on stage with my brothers who were all ready for the show.
"Thank you, Atlanta!" Jack screamed into the mic and the roar of the crowd grew as we took our final bows.
We ran off of the stage,very sweaty and very much filled with adrenaline.
"That was so good!" Natalie said, hugging me after the show. "I'm so proud."
"Thanks," I smiled back. "Ready for that after party?"
"More than ever," She said. She put her arm in mine and we walked to wherever they were holding this thing.
"Oh shit," I said when we walked through the doors. The music was already blistering my ears. "I've gotta call Lauren."
"No you don't," Natalie said over the music, pushing my phone down towards my pocket where it came from. "Tonight no distractions. No Lauren, no song writing, no nothing. Tonight is fun."
"Ryan, trust me," she said smiling and with that,I stuffed my phone in my pocket, turning the ringer on silent.
Natalie handed me and cup of what smelled like vodka and red punch, a dangerous combo. With one sip I could tell more alcohol was contained in the cup than juice.
"Can't handle liquor, New York?" She laughed and she downed her cup.
"Oh I can," I said grimacing at the taste. "It's just I'm not drunk yet."
"Well we can change that," she said and pulled me towards the alcohol table.
Shot after shot and drink after drink, I felt myself succumbing to the affects of alcohol. It ran through my veins and with every second, my conscious blew out the window.
I felt my phone buzz in my pocket to I took it out to see who it was. Lauren's contact photo popped up and I looked at it with confusion.
"Ryan," Natalie yelled over the loud music. "Fuck that bitch!"
"Hey!" I said, slurring my words. "Don't call her that."
"And don't call her in general!" She said giggling. "Cmon,lets go somewhere."
Before I could think of anything to say, she was dragging me out of the party. We exited the building and the cold brisk air hit my hot body, relieving it.
We walked into the bus,giggling because Adam was asleep in his bunk. We tip toed to the back, trying not to wake him.
I flopped down on the back couch as Natalie shut the sound proof door with a giggle.
"Oh New York," She said, plopping down by me. "That was one lame party."
"The alcohol was pretty good," I laughed, looking up at her. "So was that one girl."
"Which one girl?" She asked confused, her words slurring together.
"The pretty blonde one covered in toilet paper," I said with a smile. "Couldn't miss her even if you tried."
She blushed and I saw my opportunity in front of me.
I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. They were sweet like honey on mine. Her hand attached to the back of my head and our tongues fought in each other's mouths.
"Are you sure Adam won't wake up?" Natalie said, stopping the kiss and referencing to the door.
"Positive," I said, looking at her face. I brushed back a piece of hair and examined her. "Can I say something real quick?"
"Sure," She said,staring back at me.
"I just want to thank you for being my friend this past week," I said. "I'm glad you came back for this tour."
I drunkingly remembered all of the things we've done this week together. Wherever I went, Natalie was there doing it with me, keeping me company.
"Of course Ry," She said holding my cheek in hers. "Wouldn't want to be on any tour that didn't have you in it."
She smiled and I kissed her again, a little more roughly this time. She laughed and pushed me away.
"Where have you ever seen a vampire and a mummy make out," she laughed, which made me bust out laughing as well.
"There is a first for everything," I said and continued the kiss.
-okay definitely not my favorite chapter but I needed a Halloween one so here you go
-I really apologize I threw this together in an hours time so eh
-chapter song is Almost Halloween by Panic!

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