"Okay thank you baby." I say, trying to sound as authentic as possible.

"Of course babe I got you. I love you." She says finally and I hesitate before letting out a low sigh. Low enough to where she didn't hear me.

"I..I love you too." I say quickly before hanging up the phone. I didn't want to talk to her anymore especially since she put me in that awkward situation. I had a plan as soon as she got here and I just wanted to get it over with.

After a couple minutes, Coco's bright red Jeep pulled up beside me. She jumped out the Jeep with a huge smile on her face. She ran towards me, arms open and I reeled back and vehemently hit her straight in the jaw. She hit the floor with a hard thud as she cried out in pain, grabbing her jaw. She looked back up at me with vexation flashing in them. She started to get back up but I kicked her right in the nose. Blood gushed out and she fell back once more. This time, I kept the hits coming. I kicked and punched with all the force, sadness, and anger I had in my body. She cried out for me to stop but I didn't listen. In my mind, she was begging for more and I gave her that. I kicked her in the side of the head and in her face multiple times and soon enough, there was a big puddle of blood on the sidewalk. I finally was able to convince myself to stop and I looked down at the damage I caused. Coco lay on the ground with blood pouring from her nose and her eyes closed due to them already starting to swell up. I squatted in front of her so she could hear me. I leaned down and whispered into her ear.

"Let this be a lesson 'babe'." I said sarcastically. "I wanna make a couple things clear because obviously you didn't get it the first time." I smile with satisfaction when she lets out a small sob.

"Let me catch you trying to do some shit to me or Kehlani again and I can guarantee that those women upstate will be more than happy to make you their bitch. And before you say some shit like I don't have evidence, I have all the evidence I need babygirl. You better chill your sorry ass the fuck out before you fuck up your life. Consider yourself lucky I didn't fuck it up myself." I stood back up and kicked her once more in the stomach before walking in the direction of Kehlani's house.


Kehlani's POV

I sat on my phone in my room scrolling through instagram. I was in a very comfortable position and didn't really feel like getting up but then the doorbell rang.

"Hey Kehlani can you get that please. I'm still getting dressed!" My dad shouted from his room. I sighed and groaned when I got up, already missing the comfort of my bed. I trotted downstairs and opened the door only to be met by Y/N's beautiful and nervous looking face.

"Uh hey Kehlani." She said quietly. I stood at the door, shocked but managed to nod my head at her. "Hey Y/N. What are you doing here. Where's Coco?" I asked, looking out the door for her. Y/N just sighed and pushed me gently. "Look I came here to talk to you about something. You got a minute?" I asked, fidgeting with my fingers. I stood there for a minute, staring at her in shock. I didn't expect for her to ever come back to me. I wasn't mad at her. I guess just hurt and disappointed that she did what she did. Y/N cleared her throat and I shook my head of my thoughts, stepping aside for her to come in. She walked inside and sat down on the couch. I closed the door and sat down a couple feet from her. She nervously rubbed her thighs before turning her body towards me. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth to speak.

"I'm sorry."

"Please tell me that you did what you did either because you were brainwashed." I say, nearly cutting her off. She hesitated and sighed before shaking her head. I nod and look down at my lap. Y/N grabs my chin and makes me look at her.

"I did it to protect you."

"Don't come at me with that bullshit Y/N."

"I'm serious. Coco is crazier than what you see on the outside. She has killed people before and she wouldn't mind killing you if that meant getting to me. I only pretended to fall for her so she wouldn't continue to go after you." She she explained quietly. It genuine but there was still one thing I was confused about.

"Ok so what, all of a sudden she backed off and now you're here?" Y/N huffed and pushed some of her hair out of her face. "No. I beat the crap out of her and then threatened her. If she doesn't listen to me this time, she's as good as dead." My eyes widen at this statement. I never knew Y/N was the type to do that. She honestly looks like the type of person who couldn't hurt a fly even if she wanted to.

"I'm sorry. You did what?" I ask as I lean forward. Y/N chuckles and repeats herself. "I kicked and punched her in the face and in the stomach and wherever else on her body. I fucked her up so she knows not to fuck with me again. She better listen this time. Lani, I love you so much. That's why I did what I did."

I nodded and pulled her into a hug and kissed the spot right under her ear.

"I love you Kehlani and I'm sorry I hurt you." I pulled her closer to me and kissed her cheek. "It's ok. I love you so much." My dad comes down just as I say that and Y/N pulls away from me.

"You love who so much? Oh hello. I assume you're the one who broke my daughter's heart not that long ago." My dad says when he sees Y/N looking up at him.

"Um yeah it's a long story but it's not like you think. Besides we worked things out. Everything is good now." Y/N says reassuringly. My dad nods and looks at me, as if asking with his eyes if it was true. I nod and he smiles a little before clearing his throat and fixing the tie that he was wearing.

"Well I wish I could stay and talk more but I have to go. I don't wanna be late."

I raised my eyebrows. "Where are you going?"

He looked at me and smiled. "It's a surprise." He kissed my forehead and shook Y/N's hand before walking out the door and getting in his truck.

"I'm sorry about my dad he's still working on himself so he's in that weird stage I guess." Y/N laughed and I smiled at the familiar and joyful sound. I'm glad I wasn't unlucky enough to lose it. I pulled Y/N into me and she payed her head on my chest. "It's okay." She replied before kissing my cheek.

"Thank you for forgiving me. After everything I've accused you of and put you through. You're a really good girlfriend. So much better than good actually." Y/N said, tracing circles on my hand. I laughed and rubbed her back.

"Thank you for staying with my crazy ass all this time. It means a lot." Y/N giggled and pulled her legs up into my lap. She's such a baby.

"Of course. You're my baby. I would never leave you."

We cuddled into each other and soon fell asleep. I finally had my girl back in my arms. The girl who made my heart beat faster than it should. The girl that I'm proud to call mine.

I think this is my longest chapter.

What did y'all think?

How are y'all feeling after beating Coco up?

Thanks for reading!

The last two chapters will be coming sometime I'm not sure. I guess whenever I have the time to publish them.

Where is that smile of yours?

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