Chapter six

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Miguel felt feeling slowly start to creep into his fingers, steady and warm pricks, rousing him into consciousness. As if by instinct, his hand rose and placed itself over the side of his now aching neck. His eyes shot open at the realization that he did not feel his bare skin... rather... a bandage?

He sat up, his body creaking, his eyes adjusting to the light that had fought it's way through the thick curtains that hung around the bed. He had been lying in an unbelievably comfortable bed of silk, the pillows fluffed to perfection, and the covers cool to the touch. But his thoughts returned to the bandage that had been placed onto his neck. Who could've possibly put it there?

Before he could think, a gloved hand lazily stuck a finger between a gap in the curtains and parted them, letting more sunlight in.

"Good morning," Tulio purred, a silhouette against the morning sun, "I do apologize with being so rough with you last night. I do forget how sensitive humans can be."

"Oh save it," Miguel crossed his arms moodily and leaned against the headboard, "Like you would care about me. I'm just your thrall, remember?"

The corner of Tulio's mouth turned up, "Learning fast. I like it," He slowly eased onto the bed, his dark eyes playing on him curiously, "I do need to be more gentle, however. You are the first human I've encountered in decades, and I plan to stretch out your blood source for as long as your little body allows it."

"More gentle?" Miguel wanted to slap a hand over his mouth. That statement had come out a little more disappointed than he had planned. And Tulio definitely took notice. He threw back his head and let out a laugh. A handsome and robust sound. Miguel's cheeks turned red with embarrassment as he tried to hide behind the sheets.

"As tempting as you are," Tulio's tongue played with the creases in his lips, "I put that bandage on your neck for a reason. Too many bites can lead to infection. It will need to scab at least before I can dig into you again."

"Don't sound so excited," Miguel retorted, trying to backpedal from what he had said before, "If you think I'll let you have my blood again you are in for a rude awakening, Tulio."

"So you do remember my name."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I've only presented it to you once before," He gave a slanted grin, showing off his fangs pointed to an edge, "And our first encounter was not the most pleasant. For you, at least."

Miguel didn't respond. His fingers stroked the stringy grooves of the bandage. It felt so tight... and constricting. Like a dam holding in all of his precious blood. If only someone could set that free...

"Hm? Are you still with us?" Tulio's snarky voice made him snap back to reality, only to find the vampire's face inches away from his own, "Perhaps this will bring you back."

Before he knew it, Tulio had gently pressed his lips against Miguel's. He stiffened at first, unable to believe what he was happening, before his hand drifted upward, stroking the vampire's pallid skin gently with his knuckles. Before he was satisfied, Tulio pulled away, chuckling as he gently gripped Miguel's wrist.

"And to think you have to wait to be fully pleasured again," Tulio brought Miguel's trembling hand to his mouth, his hot breath sending the man into overdrive, "You poor thing."

He nipped at the tip of Miguel's finger, purring in amusement as he flinched. His lips locked around his nail, gently sucking on the prick that his fangs had created. Miguel crossed his legs to hide his excitement. He had no idea how much more of the teasing that he could take.

"Tulio..." Miguel shivered, his fist clamping onto the covers, "Please..."

The vampire simply winked, trailing his tongue down his ring finger, swirling it between the others, before stopping at the base of his palm. He licked his lips, and bared his fangs, preparing for the feast. Miguel closed his eyes, ready to savor the feeling of teeth piercing flesh. Only for Tulio to flip his hand over and place a soft but swift kiss on the back of the hand. Miguel let out a huff of disappointment.

"At least try to pretend you hate it," Tulio lowered his brows and eased up from the bed, smirking nonetheless, "And please do understand that me fasting from you is for the best. I do not want my pet becoming anemic, now do I?"

Miguel only sat there in silence, his thumb stroking over the place Tulio had kissed. He didn't want restraint or kindness shown to him. He wanted the vampire to tear into him and feast with all of his undead primal hunger. Even if all that was left of him was empty clothes and dry bones. He wanted him to take it all.

"Go freshen up, love," Tulio stood in front of the vanity, despite no reflection being shown, and fluffed up his hair, "I'd like to show you around the grounds."

And then the vampire was gone. A set of fresh clean clothes settled on the dresser dropped dully not long after. Miguel reluctantly dragged himself out of the bed, his desires still buzzing inside him like an angry hornet. At least he would be spending more time with the vampire today. Maybe, if he tries hard enough, he can get the vampire to break his fast.

He shook off the blush staining his face at that thought and lifted the clothes that Tulio had selected for him. A bright white collared shirt paired with a deep red velvet suit. He slipped into the outfit, and as he examined himself in the mirror. And his eyes drifted from his face and to his body, he couldn't help but grin. The buttons on the collard shirt had been removed, splaying across his neck and inner shoulders, his chest peering cheekily from the dip in the shirt. His broad shoulders and neck were on full display.

That thirsty bastard.

Scarlet Gold ~ Tulio x Miguel Vampire auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora