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She smelt it before it happened, the bomb going off anyway. She looked at the two strangers and the person in the front seat, she was torn. She let out a silent groan before they could ask her anything. She looked outside and saw the bomb car, taking a deep breath she kicked out the door and jumped over to the area. She punched the window and grabbed the bomb in the back seat, glancing at the Hydra agents aiming at her. She felt her bones snap, her skin rip, her muscles change. She felt it all. Suddenly she felt her insides collapse like a vacuum before regrowing again. She was a bird, she didn't care which. She grabbed the bomb in her beak and flapped her mighty wings, shooting towards the sky before anyone could react. She kept flying until she was in the clouds, glancing at the bomb she saw it read 5 seconds. So she dropped it. She used her large wings to create a vortex of air to keep the item there. She was struggling from the effort but kept it up until the bomb exploded. The force sent her back and burned her chest but she grit threw the pain. She flapped her wings and landed on a roof, tumbling onto the space as a human. Her hair clung to her face and her body shined with sweat as she gasped for air, her chest covered in burns. Her exhaustion took over and her muscles trembled as she took her more natural form. It took less energy for her to be in this form then even being human. Where a human girl once laid was now a large white wolf, being roughly the size of a human male at the shoulders she clearly attracted some attention. But she couldn't care, rolling onto her side her eyes drifted closed and her breathing steadied. She passed out due to exhaustion, stress, hunger, and the events of the past few hours.

She was unaware of the Spider and the Hawk watching her from a few feet away.

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