Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling. No money is being made.

Warnings: This story will have Slash, violence and torture. Mentions of Rape.

Chapter 2 – A different kind of animal

Harry saw only darkness for a few moments, then he felt like he was falling. It was like diving with his broom and Harry felt excited, flying had always been his passion. The one thing he could do when he was trying to leave his problems behind.

However the sensation stopped abruptly and light blinded him. It took a few moments for him to come to his senses, but he knew what must have happened. He was in his younger body.

He opened his eyes, he had closed them automatically because of the sudden brightness. Even so it hadn't been as bright as it could have been, he noticed that the Great Hall was darker than what he remembered. He was trying to remember when this was, but it was more difficult than he had thought. He just couldn't focus.

He was at Hogwarts! Hogwarts! He hadn't seen Hogwarts whole in almost fifteen years. He remembered as if it was yesterday the last time that he had seen Hogwarts. The castle had been in ruins, the muggles had launched an areal attack destroying a castle that had given a home to children for more than a thousand years. They didn't care that it was a school. On the contrary, the fact that it was a school had been the main reason why they had done it. After all if they destroyed the place where they were taught their freakish ways then the freaks wouldn't have a place to teach their children those abnormalities. At least that had been the reasoning from the muggles. They said they were saving the children. If they stopped the children from being abominations than maybe they could be saved, not in this life of course, they had to be killed for being born to freaks, but in the afterlife. Harry contained a snort. They were nothing more than fucking hypocrites. He hated them all.

He could still see the coffins that had filled the Hogwarts grounds, including the one of his daughter, Lily. His little girl had been so happy to go to Hogwarts with her brothers. They had thought that at Hogwarts at least they would be safe. How could they have known what the muggles would do. At least his sons had still been alive than. Their family still had hope, even if it was becoming bleaker by the second.

Only years of experience stopped him from showing any reaction when he saw who was sitting beside him. Hermione and Ron. The last time he had seen Hermione had been about ten years ago. Not even ten years of war made her stop believing and fighting for equality of all beings. She had been killed in an ambush. They said they wanted peace, that they were tired of fighting, that they wanted to find a solution, that they wanted to sign a peace treaty between the two races. They lied.

They send her body back to her family. One piece at a time.

Ron would have been better of if he had died with her. Ron stopped living. He joined all the raids he could find against the muggles. The more violent the better. Three years later he joined Hermione. He had been trapped in a muggle base, however before the muggles got him he was able to destroy the base, taking over three hundred muggles with him. Harry knew that was the way he had wanted to go. By the time that Ron died their family was reduced to Teddy, Fleur, Arthur, Fred II, George, Al, Rose and James. Everyone else had already died. Harry still believed that Ron went on that raid knowing that he wouldn't make it out alive. Not that Harry blamed him, he had buried his son the previous day.

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