Rachel and I dance and was having a good time when another wolf decided it was okay to even touch her ass, "What the fuck!"  I glared at him.

"Woah, just checking out the goods."  

I pulled Rachel behind me, "Listen her pup step back or your family will be preparing your funeral."  I spoke in my Alpha voice making him submit to me.

I didn't want to start a fight especially when then person is not in my pack.  As I can smell he was part of Hunter's pack.

Bowing his head he slowly stepped away.

"Wow, you are wonderful, you know that."  Rachel hugged me from behind.

"Come."  Once again I grab her hand leading back to our table I was in no mood to dance now.

Sitting back down Rachel and Jen started to talk together more like gossiping.  I didn't care much about gossip but men don't gossip.

Taking another sip of my drink my eyes was met with another set of eyes from across the room.

Eyes that I know to well.

Standing up Rachel looked up at me, "Where are you going?"

"Bathroom."  I lied.  Nodding her head I slipped away looking until I had found her on the other side of the room.  

Following her into the back, it was secluded, quiet away from all that chaos.  Her hair was neatly in a bun and she was dressed causal.  

Not her normal dress.  I am used to her in pencil skirts and button up blouse but she had on a light pink shoulder strap dress.

"Teacher Amy."  I called only for her to continue walking away.  She must have heard me because I could clearly hear myself.

Reaching out for her arm, I grabbed her causing her to turn towards me, it was in deed her and for a split second I had missed her touch, "What are you doing here teach?"

"What do you mean?"  I looked at her palms making sure her hands were now healed and they were.

"Are you following me?"  My voice came out harsh but I didn't mean for it to.

"Excuse me, but what are you implying."  She spoke in a monotone voice shaking my hands off.

"Well for the past days or so I have notice a few things."

"Oh really."  Once again she had crossed her arms allowing her breast to rest on them.  I refrained myself from staring.

"Yes, for instance everywhere I go, you are always there.  Even when I just turn the corner.  We have spoken about this.  You cannot like me like that.  I have told you I have a mate."

Furrowing her eye brows she poke her fingers at me, "Wow.  You really are self centered, cocky and arrogant.  Well for your information I just wondered how girls can fall for such a self centered, stuck up, snobby Alpha.  They must be blind and deaf and FYI you my friend are not all that great."  She huffed all in one breath.  "You have made yourself clear now let me make me self clear, the world does not evolve around you."  Her eyes burning with rage as she glance me up and down then stop at the ring I was wearing but hadn't said a word about it.

Huffing and puffing she turned around angrily.

How dare she.  For a human she has the balls to cross and insult an Alpha.

Standing in front of her again, "Aren't you suppose to be oh I don't know grading papers?"  This place is for young men and women who come here to usually get wasted and or laid.  So why is a conservative teacher here in the first place."  I know immature.  I have never raised my voice at her before but the fact she just dismissed like that got me seeing all sorts of red.

"It's a free country."  She replied.

"Look here woman this place doesn't suit you."

"Woman!"  She gasps, "Oh sweet heart I am old enough to be your grandmother so do not patronize me and do not treat me like one of your other toys."  This is new.  She has never spoke to me with such cold tone before.  

"Grandmother?  How old do you think you are?"

She laughed, "How old do you think I am?"

"Oh, I don't know," I circled around her three sixty degrees, "You act like a forty year old woman, but look like a sixteen year old."  I retorted with a wink.  I couldn't help myself but tease her.  

"Do you really think so?"

"That wasn't a compliment."  I fought the urge to laugh.

"Very well.  I don't have to justify my age now move."  With that she shoved me out of the way entering the club once again.

That woman baffles me.  It was hard to read here and where did she get that spunk.  She was never like this in school.  Perhaps its because we are outside of school that I am able to see other parts of her.

Rubbing my chest where she had shoved me, for a human she sure is strong.  "Note to self, never call her a woman."

Entering the club I scanned the floor looking for her and I couldn't sense her.  With all this bodily odor I couldn't even smell her.

Something was strange about her behavior tonight.  I don't know why but she has never spoken to me in that tone before.  Even when I had angered her before.  What changed?

Finding YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora