Solo songs

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The spine 

Me and my baby - I just love how he says saturday

Diamonds cover -" Spine getting hip with the kids "

Go Spine Go - (I know not really a solo song but it's about him)- *is equally intreged and disgusted *

Starlight star shine - every spg fan collectively saying "who hurt you "


Hold me - being both like  " you belt those notes honey!!" And crying profusely 

Transform- *gross sobbing noises and so many " oh godammit's" *

Honeybee (sorta)- "I just love your voice " (pre transition and after)


The pulls - *Just heard the song* "aww hatchy in love " * watches  video * ummm..what?"


Zero's song- "you've begun at the top where do you go from here?"

Stubborn heart?? (Idk what it's called) * you are the sweetest thing"

The jon

Ju-ju magic- *first listen * I love your voice *second listen * ok ..but what? * third listen * what does it mean??* *after a few more * "oh god it's stuck I  my head."

Little birdie - * awwwww's for eternity *

Out in the rain * loves it but is about to fall asleep *

( Bonus round) Michael reed!!!

Steam man band and steam man band reprise - ' how did I not notice this wonderful man sooner "

Make believe- " yes.... just yes "

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