Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Charlie! Charlie!!" Someone shouted. "It's time to get up!" As the voice got louder I started to recognise it as my mothers. I grumbled and then slowly got out of bed. It was Wednesday, meaning there was only one and bit weeks left of school until the holidays, I can't wait.

It was 7.00AM and it was strange hearing my mother wake me up instead of the shrill ring of my alarm. I put on my fluffy slippers and made my way down the stairs.

"Charlie!" She shouted again as my left foot hit the floor. "Oh, there you are!" she said rounding the corner into the living room. "Your dad and I are not coming back at normal time. See we are going out for diner with clients so don't wait up! You are to meet Alex and then come home."

I nodded at her and then went into the kitchen to get my breakfast. Dad was there sorting out his briefcase. Mum and dad normally left for work before we got up so it was weird bring in the kitchen with them. They each said bye and then walked out the door. They share a car as they work at the same place, that's where they met, so that leaves me a car to get me and Alex to school and back again.

I poured Alex's cereal into a bowl and waited for him come down stairs. He came down about twenty minutes later and looked like he had been electrocuted in his sleep. He poured the milk into his bowl and started eating it, while I went to change into my clothes. Being in sixth form means I can wear my own clothes but Alex still has to wear a uniform. Oh I feel sorry for him.

I picked out a nice blue dress and found some white flats to go with it. I placed them on my bed and went to have a wash and brush my teeth. After ten minutes I came out and dried my hair with the hair dryer. I plaited my hair and pinned it to my head in a halo braid. I picked up my bag and folders lying under my bed and went downstairs. On the way I passed Alex and told him to hurry up. He nodded and came down ten minutes later. Boys!

"I told you to hurry up not put on your clothes and come down again!"

He shrugged at me. Urgh brothers.

He grabbed his backpack and went out to the car whilst I grabbed the keys and locked the door.

I started the engine of my Beetle. It's old but I love it, and pulled out of the drive.

"Alex, mum said that she and dad aren't going to be home until late tonight."

"Well aren't they always?"

"Hmm. But she said not to wait up so I was thinking we could do something together?"

We were very close as siblings as we got to the stage of not needing our mother much. We have looked after each other, that's what makes us different.

"Ok. What do you want to do?"

"Not sure yet! I'll let you decide." I said as we pulled up into the school. I decided it would be easier to go to the same school so it limits the amount of petrol I have to buy. "Think about it at school and let me know when I see you later." I smiled at him and got out of the car. I walked over to Vanessa, who was sitting on the hill under a tree.

"Hey stranger." I called, she looked behind her and to the left where she saw me coming. She smiled and patted the space beside her which I took.

"Its only been ten or so hours, Charlie!"

"Yeah well thats ten or so hours too many." I laughed and so did Vanessa. She was like my best friend at this school. Before, Sixth form began I went to an all girls school but as we both needed to be taken to school and my mum and dad both working together one of us would be dropped off really early or really late which isn't great especially in year 11 when you do your GCSE's. We met when we both decided to ditch school for the first morning due to nerves getting the best of us. We managed to find each other at this tree and it's always been where we have gone to clear our heads or to watch the hustle and bustle of the students and teachers.

We just sat in an agreed silence for a few moments until the horrid screeching of the school bell disrupted it. We both got up together and went to our first lesson.

The rest of the day passed event free which was great for me, I could relax during my free lessons and be comforted by the magical sound of my music. I was listening to Magic, Rude as I was walking out of school and was glad that I had entered my kingdom of peace. The school gates were flooding with people and cars trying to escape and get home or do whatever teenagers did on a Friday night. I went to my car and got in waiting about five or so, for Alex to join me.

"Hey! How was school for you today?" I asked him.

"The usual I suppose. Got a tonne of homework though so my weekend is ruined." He sighed and I grinned at his attitude.

"Well me too! So did you think about what we can do tonight?"

Alex nodded. "How about Just Dance on the Wii and a McDonald's?"

"Alrighty then! Lets go!"

Alex put his belt on and then turned up the stereo. We both sang badly as I drove us to McDonald's. The traffic wasn't bad meaning we got there fifteen minutes later. We agreed to eat in and sat at a window seat. I ordered Big Mac and Chips and Ale ordered McNuggets and Chips both with a large Coke. We were probably the loudest people in the takeaway restaurant, but we didn't care.

We left the restaurant at six and returned home. It was really dark and cold in the house it was like no one was at all living here. Alex went up the stairs to fetch the Wii and Just Dance and I moved the coffee table and arm chair out of the way.

We played for a good hour before we received a knock on the door. We were half way through our sibling time and call me maybe. I paused the game and walked to the door. Behind the mirror I could see what looked a blue flashing light but the house opposite had strobes so I wasn't sure.

I opened it to find two police officers.

They nodded towards the room and I opened the door wider. They stepped in and asked if I was Charlie Washington to which I agreed.

"Charlie, Alex." The first said.

"We found your parents' car smashed into another." The other said regretfully.

"We found the bodies about 50 feet from the car and unfortunately we found Mr and Mrs Washington dead."




Hey! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Myself and 12NiNi12 are co-writing thsis and will also be published on her account. Hopefully, we will be able to update every Thursday.



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