“Check it’s the right one this time,” He attempted to scold, and I laughed at how cute he looked when he did it.

“Yes sir,” I said with a salute and he grinned. “Make sure to brush properly okay? I’ll check.”

His grin turned into a scowl which made me laugh again, the funny little boy.

I went back into the bedroom room and grabbed the compacts from the bed before going over to the dratted vanity dresser thing and applied the cover-up to my face expertly until the bruises were no longer visible even if a person were to put their face against mine and inspect it.

Hating walking around in bare feet, I went over to the overly large bed and sat down so I could pull on my shoes, and just as I had finished zipping up my boots, a squeal rang from the bathroom making me rush back to the room in double time, my heart slowing and amusement arising when I saw the froth of toothpaste smeared all over his face as he drew a moustache on himself.

“What are you doing you naughty boy?” I laughed as I tickled him from behind, making him squeal and giggle as he dropped the toothbrush in the sink.

“I wanted to look like Captain Jack Sparrow!” He squealed as I picked him up and into my arms.

“Hmm,” I said as I pretended to inspect his face. “Yes, I see what you were trying to achieve, and I admit that it looks like the exact one that he has.”

He grinned at me. “So does that mean I can keep it on?”

“I don’t know. It won’t stay on, and it will just get sticky with the heat.” I said gently as I walked to the towel rack and took one off.

He crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly and even went as far as sticking his chin out, making it hard for me to hide my smile as any show of amusement would only make him more difficult.

“Okay, how about this. I promise that I will look around the town for a fancy dress shop and buy you one. Or if I can’t find one, then we’ll either make one or I’ll draw one on you with markers.”

His eyebrows scrunched in concentration as he no doubt weighed the wagers in his head and thought of any trick I could be pulling, and I smiled with pride. I taught him well.

“Okay, fine.” He mumbled and took the towel from my hand and rubbed his face clean.

“Good boy,” I said and blew a raspberry on his cheek making him squeal with delight and me laugh in turn.

“Let’s go down and see Uncle Joey then,” I said with a smile as I walked out the room with him in my arms pattering on about what kind of beard he wanted and wondering if he could get it in blue or green.

I wound myself around the hallways thanking the fact that I had an eidetic memory as I knew I would have become lost if not for that fact. As it was, Scott had already become quiet as he looked around the huge house in awe as we walked down the stairs.

Once on the landing I looked around, taking in the dining room and the living room on either side of the open hallway, not knowing which one to go into.

“Joe? Where are you?” I called as I hoisted my brother higher in my arms.

“I’m in the kitchen,” He called back, and from his voice I could tell that he wasn’t still in angst at what he saw earlier and had time to cool off, much to my ever-lasting relief. “Just walk through the living room and you’ll see me.”

Scott squirmed in my arms so I bent down so I could put him on the floor, but as I walked forward he grabbed my hand tightly in his making me smile reassuringly down at him.

It's a Girl on a Motorbike. Get Over It. [1]Where stories live. Discover now