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" Harper Jane Toma get your behind down here we have 30 minutes before we need to be over at the Blackbourne House " Papa Brandon Yelled
" Ugh " Harper said followed by a sigh .

I Harper Jane was standing in my room trying to find clothes to wear this is when I wish Uncle Gabriel was over here he could put together an outfit in no time . Finally I settle on a Light Blue Halter Top Skater Dress with Silver Sandals figured it was best to be comfortable.

Bounding down the steps I see part of my family Papa Brandon , Papa Raven , Daddy Corey Daddy Axel and Papa Marc and My Mama She is one strong woman for putting up with all my fathers . Grey , Jacks , Beanie ,Makayla  and Delaney were all in the dining room gathering up the food dishes that needed to be taken to the party .

With all these people there is a lot of food let's see there is a total of 15 Blackbourne children and 11  Toma Children and then Two Willams Children that's what 28 kids between all the families so there is always a need for a food .

" Harper Jane grab the cooler from the Mudroom and bring it to me " Mama Yelled
" Yes Mama" I say
Doing as I was told I picked it up but it was really heavy empty " Papa daddy " I yell
" Yes Baby Girl " Papa Raven say
" Help Mama Needs this in the kitchen and it's heavy even empty " I say
Papa Raven picked it up like it's nothing and takes it to Mama
" Kitten here you go " Raven said as he kissed Mama
" Oh gross " Dawson says as he covers his eyes
Mama and Papa Raven Just laugh at him .

This get together was to celebrate three birthdays,Charlotte ( Charlie )Blackbourne ,  Reese Blackbourne Twins and Mikey Toma one of my older brothers . Charlie  and Reese are turning 11 and Mikey is turning 23.

And I get to see Sammy god he's so fucking good looking he is an awesome mixture of his Daddy Owen and Sang , he has darker brown hair than Owen but his grey eyes are just like his daddies . He has started to grow a beard which is sexy as hell He stands about 6'3 all muscle he has a six pack and that V line all us women love,  how do I know about that seeing him in Swimming Trunks and don't get me started about his shoulders so wide . The only thing about him is he still thinks of me as a little sister that tags along behind Grey, Jacks, Beanie and Mikey I wish I could change that .

" Harper "
" Oh Yeah " I responded
" You day dreaming again about Sammy aren't you " My Sissy Beanie Asked
" No I'm not besides he doesn't see me in that way " I say as I walk past her to go out side I was driving separately since Melody and I were headed out afterwards to a party .

" Yeah Right Harper I know you well enough " Beanie yells as I walk out
I shake my head no.

I start up my Jeep Wrangler , Braden , Makayla and Makenna hop in and ride with me not that there wasn't room in another vehicle it's just the four of us always seem to ride together.
Did I mention I have a huge family .

It only took us 15 minutes to get to the Blackbourne Compound which ironically was on the other side of ours , Our Properties butt up against each other We could have rode the four wheelers through the fields into the woods to get to the house if we wanted too .

Arriving and Parking we all got out and helped bring the food and chairs and tables to the back of the house .
We are greeted by Gabriel who is directly everyone and man he has a mouth of a sailor
" My My Miss Harper you look good I love the dress and color on you but I need to take you shopping again soon " Gabriel says with a smile
" Okay Uncle Gabriel I'm good with it but this time could we get lunch afterwards " I say with a pout knowing it gets him in the heart
" Oh no you don't put that lip back in Harper Jane and yes I will feed you " he says as he pokes my lip back

" Harper Jane "
" Yes Uncle Silas "
" You do look beautiful but you can't be dressed up for the party " Silas asked
" No not really Melody and I are headed out after this party to another one that Dustin Richards is holding " I say

I hear a groan growl come from behind Silas
" Your actually going to that Fools Party " Sammy says
" Yeah I am he asked me to come and I said yes besides why you care " I retorted
" I don't " Sammy says as he walks by me
I close my eyes to keep my emotions under control why does he always get to me

I feel Arms come around me
" Don't worry about him Harper he does care " Silas says as he hugs me
" It's okay Uncle Silas I'm not worried about what he says anymore I have decided to give up on it and move on " I tell him just like I tell myself everyday
Silas gives me another squeeze and a sad look
As I walk by to go inside.

When I made it inside I was attacked by The triplets Natalie, Noah , Nicholas can you guess who the biological father .... Nathan he wanted all them to start with the Letter N they are only 41/2 and just plan adorable they all have his reddish brown hair but Sang's Green Eyes .
The Boys out number the girls in The Blackbourne Family there are only four girls to eleven boys . Morgan and Mason are the oldest
Followed by Sammy , Teddy, Jasper , Cole and Victoria (Twins) Brody, Charlie( Charlotte) Reese ( Twins again ) another set of Twins Riley and Trevor then the triplets Are last Natalie , Noah and Nicholas
Man I thought getting through all of my family was hard .

I end up playing with the triplets for a while before everyone is summoned down and outside for food .

" Harper Jane "
" Yes Uncle Kota "
" Have you decided if you are going off to college "
" No I think I'm going to pursue what I love to do "
" So you are going for your Culinary Degree " Kota said with a smile
" Yes I am I got into the Culinary School of Charleston I start classes in September instead of August so I have the whole summer to plan and work " I tell him happy something in my life has worked out .
" Well I'm very proud of you Sweetie " Kota said as he hugs me

The Blending of The Blackbourne and Toma Teams ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now