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I smiled faintly at him. "Hello Nik." All of a sudden there was a strong gust of wind and Elijah was in front of me. "Now Niklaus, I know you are angry and upset, but perhaps we could take this home?" Elijah questioned. Well more or less warned Nik. "Oh and if you hurt Aoife you'll have to deal with me, Rebekah and Kol." At the mention of Kol I looked hopefully at Elijah. That last time I saw my bestfriend was when Nik daggered him because he was jealous. "Wait. Kol is back?!"

We arrived at the Mikaelson house. Which not going to lie I did not want to come to, but Elijah promised that no harm will come to me which comforted me but at the same time made me feel uneasy.

As soon as I stepped into the house I could hear Kol complaining about Rebekah being a whinny brat. "Kol, Rebekah, we have a guest!" Elijah yelled. "Great. Who could this be? Another-" Kol immediately stopped in his tracks looking as if he saw a ghost then in a split second I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug. "Aoife! Oh how I missed seeing you. Being stuck with these lot was worse than the coffin after you left!" He slowly released me and looked me over smiling his genuine happy smile that only I have the privilege of seeing. "Kol! I missed you so so much! I can't believe you were finally let out of that bloody coffin!" But before I got the chance to breathe I felt another pair of super strong arms wrap around me, I recognised the blonde head of hair immediately. I sighed as I finally felt a bit of peace until I heard Niks heavenly voice. "Sorry to ruin this happy reunion, but I think me and Aoife should have a chat. Don't you think love?"

I rolled my eyes as I slowly followed him into a big office, as I walked into the office I noticed the wall had lots of paintings and pictures decorating the colourless walls. But one stuck out the most.

One painting stuck out from all the other beautiful masterpieces. It was me. "I see you found my favourite painting." Nik said from behind me. "How is this your favourite painting? You have so many beautiful paintings, but your favourite one is of me, why?" I couldn't understand how his favourite painting was of me when I left him many years ago. And let's just say in the years before I left he didn't show much affection towards me, even though we were 'dating'. "It's my favourite because you are in it. And it's the happiest I've seen you, in that moment there. Your smile lightened up my world. No The World. As that was the day we arrived in Paris but you didn't care about the city at all, you loved the fields that surrounded our house. And I knew that in that moment I would love you forever." I could remember that day as if it was yesterday and hearing Nik say that he'd love me forever brought tears to my eyes. I tried to cover it up and act tough even though on the inside I was melting. I quickly swivelled round to see he was standing right behind me, taking my breath away I quickly recovered and asked him the question i have always wanted to ask him. "Why,Nik? Why did you never show me that you loved me? Why did you keep pushing me away?"

Forevers A Long Time// Niklaus FanFicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora