“Uncle John! Hi.”

“Jenna.” He nods to Jenna who is standing behind me.

“John, you made it.” She says flatly. She doesn't look as happy as Elena did.

“I said I’d be here before noon.” He says coming into the house with a suit case.

“Oh what you say and what you do are typically two very different things.” Jenna fires coldly and I look at Elena. This must be normal behavior for these two because she doesn't seem fazed.

Jeremy finally come down the steps. “Uncle John, what’s up?” He smiles lightly.

“Hey!” Uncle John responds with a smile and Jeremy gives him a brief hug before walking out of the house.

John turns back to Elena, Jenna and I. “I’m sorry for not introducing myself. I’m John Gilbert, Elena’s uncle.” He extends his hand and I take it.

“I’m Ashley, Elena’s friend. It’s nice to meet you.” I say politely and he smiles.

“I had some business in town. I thought a visit was in order.” He says to Elena.

“How long are you staying?” She asks.

“I don’t know yet.”

“Okay, well, we’re gonna go to school. See you later.” Elena turns and I follow her out of the house.


We get to school and I find out that Elena’s happiness to see her uncle was all fake. “It doesn't make sense that his trip is open ended. Jenna’s probably pissed.” She tells me as she pulls books from her locker.

“Yeah, I noticed some tension.” I admit.

“It’s always like that.” She sighs and I can tell that she has a lot on her mind.

“Well, I’m here for moral support if you need me.” I say and Matt walks up to us.

“Hey guys.” He smiles and I know that he’s probably the one that needs to moral support. “I wanted to say thank you guys for everything you did at Vicki’s funeral and the memorial. I couldn't have done it without you.” He says and I think back to that sad day a couple days ago.

“Of course Matt.” I say and put my hand on his arm.

“Is Caroline still baking for you guys, around the clock?” Elena asks with a smile.

He shakes his head as his smile grows. “She finally went to her dad's, which is a good thing because my mom was going to strangle her if she dropped off one more lasagna.” He says and we all giggle before heading to class.


There’s another council meeting today regarding Vicki Donovan. I walk in and take a seat as Sheriff Forbes starts talking.

“The coroner’s office has officially ruled Vicki Donovan’s death as a drug overdose. Her family has been notified, the truth will stay in this room and we can put this behind us.”

Mayor Lockwood steps forward. “Thank you Sheriff. And on to a more passing issue, John Gilbert has asked to say a few words.” He says and my head snaps up as a man with short blonde hair stands in the corner. Who the hell is the guy? “Welcome back John, it’s good to see you.” Back?

“Hello everyone, it’s wonderful to see you. I wish it were under better circumstances. As a founding family member I find it’s my duty to report some very distressing news.” He starts talking.

I lean into Liz and whisper in her ear. “He’s a Gilbert?” I ask.

She nods, her eyes staying forward. “Elena’s uncle. His name is John but I call him Jackass.” She says and I smirk before tuning back into what he is saying.

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