Chapter 2

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 As Peter Parker, Groot, Natasha, Loki and I walk off the jet "Who is this bitch?" Parker asks.

 "That's my sister." I state, looking towards Hela "Hela, goddess of death."

 "Loki?" Natasha asks, looking towards Loki "Are we sure you're the one that's adopted?"

 Reluctantly, Loki steps forward and swings his daggers out "Come peacefully and I will spear you grave discomfort."

 "Hand over your throne to me and I shall spear his other eye." Hela smirks, before pointing to Loki "How could you hurt me?"

 "I could kill you." Loki states, stepping closer to her "However, I'd rather not."

 "I'm not going freely." she hisses, before revealing her crown "But I will bargain." she stares "I win, I reign over this world. I loose, I will become your prisoner. Me against you."

 Loki looks back to us, before turning to Hela "Fine." Without another warning, she charges and Loki does the same.

 As soon as they reach each other, daggers start flying as they roll off of each other, throwing punches.

 Within a few seconds, Loki gets his foot placed against her stomach and kicks her into an office building.

 After a long minute with no movement, Loki frowns "It couldn't have been that easy."

 Out of nowhere, a dagger flies out of the building and Loki ducks, just in time for it slice his horn off.

 Natasha and I gasp in unison as blood starts erupting from his open wound.
 As Hela comes stumbling out, Loki fails to catch his balance. After giving up, he holds up his dagger and slices the other one off.

 "What a strong one you are." Hela smirks ad he regains balance "I wish I would have fought with you."

 "We fought for the same cause!" Loki growls, wiping the blood from his forehead "That cause is dead!" He steps towards her and continues "Asgard is gone! You are royalty no longer!"

 "You're right." she states, before lunging at him and wrapping her hands around his throat "I shall take the crown!"

 Without even realizing it, I start to run to him, but Natasha stops me "It won't help."

 As I freeze in horror, I see Loki reach for her hands and she starts to scream. Within a second, he rolls them and places his hands on her cheeks.

 "I surrender!" she screams and Loki nods us over.

 As Natasha takes her hands, Loki asks "Got her?" Natasha says she does and Loki climbs off of her, before climbing into the jet.

 Inside, I follow him. He shuts the bathroom door and I knock on the door "Kiki, open the door."

 The others stubble in and sit Hela down on the bench opposite the bathroom door. Natasha leans back in the pilots chair "We're about to take off."

 "Loki, open the door." I order, to no avail "Come on, you're loosing blood. You shouldn't be standing u-"

 "Shut up, Thor!" he hisses and is completely silent until we reach the compound.


 "Where's Hela?" Loki asks as I walk into the hospital unit.

 "In a glass cell." I state, sitting next to his medbed "How you doing?" He gives an unamused look and I look to Shuri "How's he doing?"

 "He's almost done." she states, as Parker walks into the room "His horns aren't growing back."

 I nod soberly, before resting my hand in his hair "The kids want to see you. They freaking out at home, with Stark and Rogers."

 He nods and shuts his eyes "You're not going to like the way I look." he whispers, before leaning away.

 "I'd love you no matter what you'd look like." I insist, as my phone starts to ring. He sinks into exile as I answer it "What's wrong baby girl?"

 "Daddy, Vor is freaking out over mum." Thurd starts "Magni is passed out on the couch. Nari is scaring Vor, and Uncle Tony and Steve can't calm Vor down."

 "Mum and Dad will be home as soon as possible." I smile, before clearing my throat "Put Vor on the phone."

 "Daddy?" Vor speaks in the saddest voice "Is mummy okay?"

 I hand Loki the phone and he smiles weakly "Mummy will be home soon." He pauses for a second "Because mummy's got a ouchey." another pause "A Captain America bandaid isn't going to fix this ouchey." another "It's a big ouchey, but mummy will be fine, darling." another "Isn't it your nap time, little missy?" another "Well, I'll be home by the time you wake up. So take a nap, love."

 After he hangs up, he hands the phone back and sinks into exile, yet again. As the minutes tick away, he stares numbly up at the ceiling.

 Finally, he breaks the silence "If I have stubs, and they're scarred beyond saving, I know it'll bother you."

 "Why'd you do it?" I ask.

 "I knew Hela would kill me, if I lost. It was either regain my balance, or die. My horn was too heavy." he states, emotionlessly.

 "Times up." Shuri states, standing on the other side of Loki "Let me take off the bandage." Reluctantly, Loki lets her take them off and she smiles "You look completely fine."

 Loki turns to me and a small smile creaks across my face. He looks like he never had them. Like the old Loki, besides being blue and having dangerously red eyes. He looks "Ravishing." is all I can say.


 As soon as we got home, the kids attacked us with questions and we spent the rest of the night explaining.

 At midnight, we head to bed; however, I can't help but pull him into my lap "Thor?" he whispers, tiredly "What are you doing?"

 "Well..." I whisper, moving his hair out of his face "You, somehow, thought I wouldn't find you attractive without your horns."

 He scuffs "I just... I don't know if that's what pulled you in the first time, or..."

 "Nope." I smirk, gripping him around the waist and pulling him closer "You're so cocky, except when you believe someone will suddenly hate you." I hum into his ear, before running my fingers under the rim of his pants "I fucking love you." I whisper, before kissing his neck.

 "Thor, what if the kids hear us?" he asks and I hum against his neck "You know Vor will probably come running in here later."

 "No she won't." I insist, before explaining "She drank a glass of milk before bed. She never wakes up when she does that."

 He grumbles as I nip on his neck "Okay, but what if Magni needs help?"

 With a sigh, I look him in the eye "Loki, we'll be fine."

 "Prove it." he frowns and I run my hands over his bum and into him as he whines "Okay, we'll be fine." he agrees as I continue to nip on his neck.

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