Chapter 1

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 Hello my name is Lola and I am a girl that is used to not have attention on me but this trip made me a chance. I wear and shirts because I don't want people to see me. As I go to this trip I chance and it helps me have more confidence. Leo is a tall handsome guy that I have a crush on since the start of high school. he has black hair, brown eyes, and a hot body. We have been friends since middle school. He is my friend but acts differently when he is with me.

It all started when I got a phone call from my school that I was going to be transferred to the rest of the school year and then come back. But for some reason, my parents agreed and they said I was going with another classmate.

The next day was my last I was still going to school but not really. When I got to school I had to be dropped off by my sister because I had to take my luggage to school because I was leaving after school so I didn't have to do anything.

I walked into the office where the other person was waiting for me, my driver and classmate. I saw who it was and freaked out because I had a little crush on this classmate and our driver was really nice they were really nice it was a girl and a boy from the school we were going to go to.

After a little chat, we all became close and were treated as friends. The bell rang to go to class and I was going to go but was stopped by him. He wanted to talk to me so we talked and then walked to class but he didn't want to so he came with me to my classroom and he got permission to go.

"Lola can I go to your classes." He asked with pleading eyes. He went to almost all my classes but one because I went with him to his classroom instead and that was 3rd period.

When we walked in the classroom they had a little clapping thing and they then started to work and I was bored because it was math class so I walked out and Leo stopped me.

"Please stay I don't want to be alone," he told me to stay with him so I stayed beside him but I was still bored. He wanted me to say goodbye to the people that we had as friends.

"Bye guys I will take pictures and send videos, okay and I will also call you guys," I told them goodbye and left the room he follows after me and we sat waiting for the bell to ring and that sound that I started to fear the closer it got to our last period because that was the last of this and until I come back I wanted to cry but held it in.

"You don't have to be that strong Lola you can cry just cry on my shoulder."He said with soft eyes and I just stared at him with admiration. The person that I like said I can lean on him it made my heart skip a beat and I started to blush so I looked away.

It was now the last class of the day and our English teacher told us things about it and I was less worried that day was now over I had to leave.

We went to Leo's house to get something he told me to go inside and meet his parent I was shocked but I went then I saw his sister looking at me. I introduced myself and his parent greeted me and I told them they look familiar and then it hit me they were my parent's friends

"Hi Lola we meet again I am happy that your mom let you go I called her and told her that my son was going and we talked about it until I convinced her to let you go," said Leo's mom. She was someone that liked me since the party that their boss made at the end of the year and I met then but that was like four years ago. We started talking about it and we had a good time and then we said goodbye to them and they gave both of use money I didn't take it but they insisted and Leo took it and gave it to me in the hand and I got embarrassed they all looked at us because he was still holding my hand.

We were on our way to Vegas now and all we needed was one more hour and I was started to get sleepy and I felt someone put me a blanket over my legs when I saw who it was. It was Leo I looked back and saw him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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