friends part 2

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   I have been wondering to myself, what the hell happened to our friendship? some of them think it was because of one girl, the rest just dont care.

   why was our friendship so strong like a rope that bound us together, but then crumbled like a cracker? why did we crash and burn so terribly? why did the rope erode into string? was that just our future? and why?

   ive been asking myself all these questions. why? why? why? why? was it because of me? did I do something that made us all take a wrong turn?

   some of them saw it coming, but I didnt. I just thought we were going to be the bestest of friends till the end... but no.

   I dont blame them for hating each other, screaming at each other through kik's text. thats really only how we interacted, through a screen. I guess we all just got sick of each other.

   why did the string have to break?

this chapter sounded like a philosopher was talking oops... anyways this is literally my mind talking even though this chapter isnt much of a rant.

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