Field trip (Part 1)

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Today was the day, the day he's been dreading for the last few weeks: the field trip to Stark Industries. If this was a few years ago, he'd be over the moon, but after everything that's happened this year, after getting an actual internship as Tony's personal assistant (yes, he is Tony now), he knows his mentor would take it as an opportunity to embarrass him. Besides, thanks to Flash no one believes he's got an internship, and with his luck, that's gonna cause him problems, and Ned had to go to the dentist, so he wasn't going, and that's gonna make Flash suck even more.

Those were his thoughts as the stereotypical yellow school bus arrived to the school to take them there. During the drive there, Flash kept pestering him, laughing at him and telling him how everyone was gonna see now that his internship was a big fat lie (his words, not mine) and how screwed he was, but he did his best to ignore him.

When they got off the bus, Peter smiled watching the amazed expressions of his classmates. He stills remembered the first time he came there, how incredible it all had seemed and the picture Tony took of him while he was looking around mouth wide open. Tony still has it hanged in his lab, and every now and then he reminds him of his "beautiful face", as he puts it.

The tour guide, a sweet intern called Anya, came forward with a bunch of badges in her hands. She started giving the badges, and Peter, knowing how Mr Stark felt about reprinting, grabbed his own badge from his pocket and hung it around his neck. Mr Harrington, his teacher, saw it, so he took him aside and told him "Peter, we've never said anything before because we knew you were going through a hard time, but this is getting too far. You can't fake a bagde. You must drop your internship lie right now or you'll be given detention for a month" "But... Mr Harrington, I'm not lying" said Peter, trying to defend himself. "One month of detention it is. Now take off that badge and go wait in the bus until we finish" Peter couldn't find the words. How could that awful man think he was lying! Luckily, Anya had seen the exchange, and went to see what was going on. "What's happening? Why are you talking off his badge?" "Well, miss" explained Mr Harrington "this young man right here has been lying about having an internship here for a long time, and has gotten as far as to either create or steal a badge to make it seem real" "Haven't you ever thought he might not be lying?" asked Anya, recognizing him from seeing him around the tower. "How about we let him go through the scanner? If FRIDAY, Mr Stark's AI, lets him go through, then he really does have an internship" she proposed. Mr Harrington agreed, but he kept looking at Peter like he was the devil. Luckily, Flash was unaware of this situation, or else he'd make his life even worse.

When everyone finally got their badges, they got in line to pass through the scanner.
"Anya Taylor, Level 3, Tour Guide"
came a voice from the ceiling. Everyone looked around, until Anya explained "that was FRIDAY, Mr Stark's AI". They started going through the scanner.
"Eugene Thompson, Level 1, Guest"
Flash grinned, proud for being the first one to pass through, and shot a smug glare at Peter, who tried his best not to roll his eyes. Everyone went through the scanner, and FRIDAY kept announcing them, and everyone had a level 1 badge. When Peter realized this, he almost face palmed. How could he forget it? He has a level 10 badge! No one has a level 10 badge, only Mr Stark, miss Potts and him. He was going to be the center of attention! When it was Peter's turn to go through the scanner, he looked like he was going towards his death, which only made Flash and Mr Harrington smug grin spread wider.
"Peter Parker, Level 10. Mr Stark's Personal assistant"
Everyone stopped dead in their tracks. Whispers like "Level 10" "how is it possible" could be heard around the area. Even the workers had stopped. He never used that entrance, so nobody knew how high his level actually was. And both Flash's and Mr Harrington's smiles were wiped off their faces. "Could we continue, please?" asked Peter, uncomfortable. "Uh yeah, sure" answered Anya, confused on how could someone so young have such high level, but knowing how uncomfortable that attention must feel.

"We'll go to one of the intern labs in the 58th floor, and after that, to the Avengers' training room. Who knows, maybe if we're lucky, we'll see some avengers there"

"Oh gods" thought Peter "I hope that doesn't happen"

But little did he know, Parker Luck was going to make his life way more interesting than he'd like.

So that's the end of the Field Trip Part 1. I plan to do at least a part two as soon as possible, but I have too many exams right now, so it could be out anytime between tomorrow and two months (jk I'm not that cruel).

I sincerely hope you liked it. I'm using this to also improve my English writing skills, which (sadly) are not very impressive (well, and because I loooOoove IronDad and SpiderSon)

Anyways, thank you for reading this story, and I hope you enjoyed it!!

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