Chapter 3: Head in the clouds

Start from the beginning

       There was a tap on my shoulder. I was already growing used to the way he spoke. 

"You must really love that bike." The note read, his smile that typical teasing curve.

"Yeah. They took it apart and threw away the screws. Left the parts at my doorstep." I sighed.

       It didn't make any sense why they did those nasty things to me. And it seemed Wyatt felt the same way as he offered me a frown before giving my back a bit of a rub. The action on his part was an effort as I was much much taller than he was. He was maybe around 5'6" compared to my 6'6" so there was a stark contrast. When I found myself paying attention again we were at the bakery section. He crouched down as even he was too tall for the display counter.

"Hey there River." An older man donning an apron spoke up. I believe he was a friend of my dad's. But I could quite remember his name. But luckily he was wearing a nametag.

"Hey Jasper." I greeted with a wave.

"How's your dad been? Its been a while since he's stopped by." Jasper asked as he began cleaning some of the baking surfaces behind the display.

"He's been doing good. Finally relaxing more." I smiled.

         I looked down at Wyatt beside me as he looked a little conflicted. His brows were furrowed as he captured his plump lower lip between his teeth. He looked really uncomfortable. Though he stood up with a sigh; the most sound i'd hear from him. He took out his notepad and jotted something down. He ripped the paper off before handing it along with some money to Jasper who seemed to understandingly take it. I caught sight of the paper asking for two of the large cinnamon rolls this store was famous for. That couldn't be good for the diet of an athlete could it?

"Why two?" I asked as Jasper went about grabbing and wrapping up the rolls.

       Wyatt instantly began jotting something down on his notepad again, turning it to me.

"One for you. Since you offered to walk with me." The note read as he gave me a sheepish smile.

       He was literally so adorable. How had I not talked to him all these years? I'd seen him in passing before and heard of his accomplishments on our school's cross country team. But I always assumed he was the usual stuck up athlete. But boy was I wrong it seemed. When Jasper handed us our cinnamon rolls Wyatt's face lit up in what could only be described as pure joy.

"Thanks Jasper." I said, speaking for Wyatt who nodded in agreement.

"No problem. Let one of us know if you need help finding something. We also have some new stuff!" Jasper replied as we started back off into the store.

       All the while Wyatt was distracted scanning aisles while snacking on his roll. Normally I inhaled food but I was distracted watching him. But furthermore he thought of me. I'd be sure to return the favor whenever I could. I'd definitely have to tell Joshua and my dad about him; just like I did when I had any other crush. My mind betrayed me as I spoke without thinking.

"How do you stay so fit?" I asked, causing Wyatt to pause and take out his notepad.

      He looked thoughtful as he wrote, eventually turning it for me to see.

"Cross country and figureskating three times a week." The note read simply as he went right back to studying the aisles. Though what I didn't notice was that he was accumulating items in a hand-held basket.

"Did you want me to hold it? It looks like its getting heavy." I offered, wanting to be helpful. He sighed softly with an amused smile. He extended his arm outward with the basket.

     I took it from him as we carried on through the store. He'd add things occasionally until I was able to figure out what he was cooking.

"You cook?" I asked, quite a few of my peers not having that ability; myself included.

        He didn't reach for his notepad this time as he glanced at me. I was expecting him to talk but he instead nodded yes. We'd approached the counter as he reached into the pocket of his over-sized hoodie and picked out his wallet.

"Nice seeing you around again Wyatt. Any plans to work here this summer?" Jayce asked. He was someone who I knew from last year. He graduated just then and started working for his parent's store full time.

      Wyatt seemed a little flustered as his hands were tied up and he couldn't respond.

"I'll pay." I offered, not knowing how much everything came to.

      He looked ready to protest when Jayce simply laughed at the exchanged we'd had as I paid for the groceries. I hoped I didn't offend him too much. And the groceries actually didn't come to much. Though my savings took a small hit. We exited the store as Wyatt fumbled with his wallet, pulling out some money before moving to hand it to me. I kind of froze up awkwardly. I didn't want to take it from him. But knowing me i'd say something stupid. What would Joshua say to a girl he was interested in?

"Maybe we could just hang out again?" I asked instead, refusing his money. I did a little cheer for myself within the confines of my head. I played it smooth for once today.

       He huffed softly, rolling his eyes seemingly humored. He had such expressive eyes. And I realized he did speak. Just not with words. But with his actions. As he went about putting his wallet back into his hoodie he reached down and pulled down his sweat pants confusing me. Only upon further investigation did I notice a pair of rather short shorts underneath as he fanned himself. He balled up his sweats as I kind of shamelessly took him in. Toned legs seemed to have that soft glow the rest of his skin seemed to give off. We were polar opposites appearance wise for the most part.

        I was tall and lanky. He was short and petite. I could use more sun while his brown skin had a vibrant glow. He saw my staring after he'd put his pants in his bag. And instead of making things even weirder he simply smirked ever so confidently with a shrug. He knew he was attractive judging by that reaction. After my blunder I resolved to try being more careful with my staring. He walked as I slowly coasted beside him. The silence could be seen as awkward by others. But it was comfortable for me as i'd steal some glances at him from time to time. Then I noticed we'd turned onto the street i'd lived on.

"You live on this street too?" I asked. He nodded yes and pointed to a house with a single car out in the driveway.

"Cool." I replied, pointing out my house that was actually a few houses down from his across the street.

      We'd approached his house and walked up to the front door. He'd wrote something on his notepad, turning it around to face me.

"Until tomorrow." It read simply.

"Did you want my number?" I asked hastily, slapping myself internally.

       He actually smiled, unable to cover his face in modesty as his hands were tied up with his bags. He set everything down as he took out his phone. He handed me the unlocked device as I set to work putting my number in his phone with clammy hands. I decided to be bold, putting my name with a smiley emoji after it. Handing him back over his phone he captured his plump lower lip in an attempt to stifle a smile. He wrote something down on his notepad, turning it around to face me once more.

"See you tomorrow friend?" The note read.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered from his obvious teasing.

      He saluted me as he entered his house, disappearing inside as I was just left there. This was the most bold i'd ever been about someone I was interested in. Heart racing and something exciting to look forward to I rode off on my bike, decided to go to the beach. Exiting our neighborhood I descended down the big hill that would take me to my destination, a loud scream of joy leaving my lungs.


A/N: So this is the third chapter. We see River pining. Wyatt not being oblivious. And overall I hope that things don't seem typical. There will be triggering and dark subject matter on the way as more unfurls. This is more of a slice of life than a romance unlike its counterpart that was more romance. So a slice of life with a darker twist!

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