A Year Has Passed

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Y/N's POV:
It's been a year since we've started going to school here in New York, Casey's got a new friend named April, she's pretty chill. I have my normal amount of friends, none, I have a brother-best friend combo, Casey's all I need to be happy, and while April may be my brother's friend she's just a very good aquantince to me. Casey and I were currently at the ice rink with April, he was trying to teach her how to play ice hockey while I was just aimlessly gliding on the ice, lost in thought.
"Footbots!" April's voiced echoed through my mind before knocking my from my thoughts.
"Watch out!" Casey's tone was urgent. One of the so-called 'footbots' had snuck up behind me, blade in hand. I quickly swiped my knife from my belt loop and flipped it open, the sharp blade gleaming as it clashed against the bot's own blade.
"I knew I should've brought my katana to practice with." I mumbled, I heard April's soft gasp fill the cold arena. I turned around and saw three bots corner Casey. I took down the bot quickly before skating over to the bots who decided to mess with my bro.
"Get the hell away from my brother, ya' assholes!" I yelled, causing them to turn around just before I cut their heads off. Sparks flew before disappearing, the bot's eye-lights grew dim before shutting off completely. Suddenly, more appeared. I grabbed Arpil and Casey's hands and booked it out of ice rink, kicking my skates off in the proccess, April and Casey did the same and we made it out of the rink. The other robots threw kunai's at us, but the blades missed us completely and jabbed themselves into the wall in front of us. I pushed April and Casey in front of me,
"Use them as stairs! I'll meet you on the rooftops, I promise." I commanded as I continued to run, distracting the footbots to buy the others time. As I ran further away from the others all of the 'footbots' followed me, suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I looked down to see a kunai lodged in my bicep, I growled and yanked it out before turning around to face them. I didn't think, I physically couldn't, I just ran around them with my knife and the kunai in my hands, I beat them all to pieces of scrap metal before going back the way I came from. I soon saw the bent kunai in the wall, I rolled my eyes, knowing they weren't going to be able to hold my wait because of Casey's fat ass. I jumped up and caught ahold of the nearest window sill, I used it to push off onto the fire escape where I proceeded to climb up to the roof. I heard April and Casey's grunts in the distance and ran towards the sound, holding my arm to stop the blood flow. When I got there I saw more bots fighting April and Casey, but I also saw a strange girl in metal armor observing. No better time to practice with my powers than now, I guess. I took a deep breath and focused on where the girl was, and teleported behind her. I stealthily took her blade from her and pressed it against the back of her neck, she froze in place before I tackled her off of the billboard we were on. I rolled onto the ground just as the fight between April, Casey, and more Footbots went down to the play-park below us, I pinned the girl to the ground and pressed her blade against her throat, harshly, not enough to severely hurt her, just enough to scare her and make her beg for her life.

"Who are you? Why were you observing the fight between my brother, April, and those robots?" before she got a chance to answer me, a giant flying robot threw me off of her and down to the ground below. I quickly stabbed the building with the katana and hid underneath the roof's ledge, I saw the fight and the giant robot flew down while metal girl hopped down in front of it. She went on a whole spiel about how some guy named 'The Shredder' wanted April to lure some turtle mutants, I smirked, I could use some info on other mutants, looks like April's my ticket. The giant robot malfunctioned and went after the girl named Karai, I was about to swoop in and help April when a mutant turtle around 6 feet tall jumped in front of April to protect her from surrounding footbots, another turtle with a blue bandana jumped in and went after Karai and her robot. I decided to jump down and help the tall, purple-clad turtle with the footbots, so I snapped my fingers and my hand lit into a blazing burst of electricity. I threw it at one and made the electrical current spread to the other robots surrounding my brother's crush, the turtle was surprised when they all fell limp. April just smiled, her knowing about my powers because of Casey's slip up a few weeks ago, and looked to where I was hiding in the shadows and gave a discreet thumbs up. I gave one back and looked around, not seeing Casey anywhere, I looked back to where April was and saw her talking to the purple-banded turtle, looking apologetic about something, she must know him. She motioned to me to come out of the shadows, I was hesitant as the turtle had not yet left, but complied anyway. I looked at April, waiting for her to say something, she got the hint and started introducing us.

"Oh, Donnie! This is Y/N, a friend of mine's sister, she's a really good fighter, too!" she was enthusiastic, I'll giver her that. I stuck out my hand for the turtle to shake,

"Nice ta' meet ya', Donnie. As April said, I'm Y/N, and one hell of a good fighter." I smirked. Donnie smiled shyly back at me, before chuckling.

"You remind me of my brother, Raph. Your personalities are very similar, and the love of the color red is evident in the both of you as well." the turtle said, causing me to chuckle.

"Well, I do like the color red, but it's not my favorite. I personally like black the most." I said, messing with a strand of my H/C hair.

"Donnie!" a voice suddenly called out, causing us all to look at the source. The other turtle came back with another who was wearing an orange bandana around his baby blue eyes. The two new turtles spotted April and myself immediately, and they ran over even quicker.

"April! You're here! I missed you so so so so so much!" the orange clad turtle cried out as he tackled her in a hug. April shrieked in surprise but laughed anyway, hugging the turtle back softly before looking at me.

"Y/N! Help me, I've been tackled!" I rolled my eyes and looked her in the eye.

"You're not my brother, O'Neil. That only works with him, have fun dealing with a hugging turtle." I flipped my hair and ran up the side of the nearest wall in search of my brother, April's laughs following softly. I laughed as well, tonight has been eventful, and I hope to meet those turtles again soon.

Difference Is Good (Raph x Reader TMNT 2012) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now