MmMmM poison yum

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Srry for not updating lol as if anyone even sees this


We head to the bar and Meliodous cooks his poison. You sniffvthe food and grinace. Dang smells good...looks good...but it isnt good.....i cant rist my stomache...

"Ah no thanks, i'm not actually hungry..but thank you anyway" Stumi says pushing it away with a slight grimace.

He just ignores her and watches Elizabeth. I watch her amused as she tenses once eating it

"Tastes horrible doesnt it?" He says cheekily. She starts crying. I smirk at her pain. Glad im not her.

Meliodous notices this. "N-no .... help me out...and even offer me can i ever repay you?" Elizibeth cries.

"So...what where you doing our in that rusty armor?" Meliodous asks as stumi gives her a knowing glance. Meliodous is on point today...cuz he noticed that as well.

"Im searching for the seven deadly sins..." She says. "Heya there princess! Looks like im on the same adventure!" She says making her tense up. "hehe suspicion levels rising~~~~~" Stumi evilly laughs in her head


Banging on the door interupts them. Stumi grabs Elizebeth and walks towards the back door. Meliodous nids as he gets hawk ready.

As it plays out. She decides to go ....... NOW! Stumi and Eli run from vehind the tavern, getting spotten obviously. Stumi grabbed Eli and put her on her back.

She won the relay a bunch of times in her middle school and elementary. She ran fast as the guards caught up. Soin Meliodous caught up and glanced to at them.

Soon twigo whats his name came up and caught us off the end of the cliff. I grab Eli and Captain (notice the name changes) and ran up against the wall. Neliodous helped and we were back up there quick u was actin cool. But i was freaking out.

"How the hell did i do that????? Lol ok." She thinks as Twigo says he wants Eli to be a death accident. She grabbed eli and stood back. She decided to guve herself up. But Stumi was following her. When Twigo striked. She decided to be a NINJAAAAAA

She Grabbed Eli as meliodous grabbed both of them and was thrown back. Her coat was ripped revealing her tatoo on her back. Eli gasped. Also Meliodous was found out

"I-it cant be! You are the Captain of the seven deadly sins. And YOU! You're the creator of death herself! The sin of.......DEATH! YOU ARE A DEMON AND MUST BE KILLED!" Twigo yells as Meliodous tenses and glances at her....

Stumi herself was shocjed. But held a poker face.


Welp thats rhat for that chapph

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