Yukhei smirked at the statement of the older, he's too obvious but cute at the same time. "Maybe, they trust me already. Don't worry, your handsome boyfriend will take care of you." He winked then pinch the older's cheek. "Now eat. Help yourself." Yukhei sits too and handed a fork to Jungwoo. He took it happily then stood up and sits to his boyfriend's lap. "Much better." Jungwoo mumbled.

Yukhei's eyes widened but he ended up chuckling. "What's with you today?"

"It's just, I'm happy."

"Very happy that they left us here and do whatever we want?" he smirks then wrapped his arms around Jungwoo's waist.

"It's not like t-that. W-What are you thinking?" Jungwoo pouted then jabbed a sausage to feed Yukhei.

"Oh come on, you don't have to be shy when you're with me." he giggled before taking the sausage.


The couple took their breakfast in that state, but they wouldn't mind though. They're both happy in each other and they love what they are doing, especially Jungwoo's parents were there to support them at all cost.

Since it's Saturday, Yukhei wants them to go out for a date. The older didn't refuse because he's about to ask the same too, the weather is nice today and they can't let it pass just like that without going out together.

Jungwoo quietly watches his boyfriend doing his hair on the mirror. He's getting bored and he wanted to go out now.

"Stop it now. You look good already." Jungwoo whined then stood up and goes to Yukhei.

"You think so?"

"Mm, let's go."

"Wait, I'm almost done."

"Aish." The older pouted. "I already told you, you look good in any style and you don't have to worry. Why are you being like this? Do you love it if girls around there were drooling over you just because you look freaking good?" He added, this time his voice sounds annoyed. Well, Jungwoo wants to go now but Yukhei was slow so he doesn't have a choice but to wait him. "Do you think they'll love you like the way I do?"

After hearing Jungwoo's complaints, Yukhei stopped doing things quickly and eyed Jungwoo. "No I don't think so. But I'm doing this for you, not for others." Yukhei squeezed Jungwoo's cheek. "Alright. Let's just go." He said then took Jungwoo's hand and both headed out hand in hand.

They took the bus together and didn't mind the envious stare of the females around. Some of them took the picture because these guys were perfect to each other. To make the whole ride fun, Jungwoo even teased the females and clings to Yukhei more.

Yukhei could only laugh. Silly Jungwoo is actually cute.


"Xuxi!" someone called Yukhei after getting out from the bus with Jungwoo.

Jungwoo can't be wrong, that fucking someone who called his boyfriend is his ex. "Did you hear someone called me?" the younger asked.

"I'm not sure." Answered Jungwoo but he heard that seriously. He's fucking awake when it comes to his boyfriend's name or any whereabout him.

Both males stopped walking to look for the voice and where did it come from when Olivia suddenly appeared in front of them out of nowhere. "Hi you two. Where are you going?"

"None of your business." Yukhei answered him and tighten his grip on Jungwoo's hand. "Why are you here? Did you followed us?" He added.

"What? Why would I follow you, you bastard? I came here to buy things because you don't want to help me."

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