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An erection, also called a boner, is when the penis becomes bigger, harder and more rigid. It's the result of a complex interaction of many factors, and is often associated with sexual arousal or sexual attraction, although erections can also be spontaneous. This leads to embarrassing situations which are a whole other chapter.

Also my favourite band have a song about spontaneous erections because the lead singer hates them.

The shape, angle, and direction of an erection varies considerably in humans.

Some people have an aversion of erect penises, called phallophobia. This is not a joke, that is a real thing that real people have.

An erection occurs when two tubular structures, called the corpora cavernosa, that run the length of the penis, fill up with deoxygenated blood. As mentioned earlier, this usually happens when the person that the penis is attached to is sexually aroused but can also happen for no reason at all.

Vaginal sex cannot occur if the penis is not erect. After ejaculation, the erection subsides, although the time taken to subside can vary, depending on the size of the penis while erect.

Also, have you seen horse boners? They're fucking scary.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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