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   so theres this group of friends. theres the fake-ish one, the soft-grunge one, the one who changes her mood to "depressed" whenever a comment is made, the completely normal one who is freakin hilarious, the one who blames herself for everything, and then the one who is normal, but she is very good at hiding her feelings but also bad at holding her anger in.

   these "friends" have been having a shit ton of problems lately. stupid drama. I mean, they're just starting out on their teen life and all ready stupid and pointless stuff has made them literally "done" with life.

   the fake-ish one has been calling so much attention to herself lately that the one is is also "depressed" have been acting like they want to die and theyre gonna commit. they wont. and they better fucking not. they WILL NOT shut up about how theyre in hell holes and that theres "no way out." like seriously oh my fucking god GET OVER YOURSELF. YOU ARE NOT DEPRESSED. YOU HAVE A FINE FUCKING LIFE AND YOU NEED TO SHUT UP.

   there was one incident when the fake-ish one was really thinking of committing. one of them couldn't control her anger and said " WHAT A BITCH." oops. well she saw it and got so over worked that she SENT THEM INTO A TREMBLING STATE. THEY THOUGHT THEY'D NEVER SEE THEYRE BEST FRIEND WHO WAS SO HAPPY AND PERFECT EVER AGAIN.

   people need to shut the hell up and go eat cake. cake makes everything better. unless your allergic to it. then your life sucks.

okay thanks for reading. sorry if this was offensive and for my use of language.

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