Crazy night

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'I fell asleep in the guild that night and before I did I thought to myself if I do fall asleep somebody will be willing to take me home!
But I woke up in the freezing cold guild in a swim suit!? What!?!? Why am I wearing a swim suit!?
Oh no I probably got drunk and.....and did I don't know what!' Juvia thought.
"Juvia is so cold. Why didn't someone take juvia home last night?"
As she walked along the street in the snow, while wearing a swim suit, she kept thinking to herself 'Why would nobody care if I got sick in the cold.'
Everyone on the street giggled while she walked by.
She started getting a little angry at the people laughing and at her guild mates for not taking her home. Especially her Gray-sama.
She said to herself "I didn't think I got drunk last night I wonder what really happened. Hey, stop staring at me people!!"
She finally got to fairy hills. So she opened her the door to the building and she peeked inside. She expected it to be quiet and empty in dining area but when she opened the door she heard erza and all the girls. They were having a huge party without her!
"Guys!?" Juvia yelled.
"why are you having a party and why without me? Why this late, did I forget of some anniversary or something!"
"Did you forget what happened last night?" replied levy. " Gray was gone and we were debating if gray had feelings for you or not. So then we were all arguing and you actually stepped up!" said Kana going on and on.
Then Lucy came in and said,"Yeah you stepped up and you looked so serious and you said, Who cares if gray likes juvia, it's his choice not yours! So then everyone got mad at you but then, you slapped master right across the face because even he was making fun of you.....I mean.....he was just joking around but......."
"You mean you guys were making fun of juvia?"
"I mean not quite."
Erza then said " Your punishment was you had to dress in a swim suit and get drunk and sleep in the guild for the night. "
"Well fine then, juvia will go up to her room and.......sleep like I would always do. But that still doesn't explain why you guys are partying."
Kana being very drunk said, "Because your gone so we can actually have a party!"
"Kana we weren't supposed to tell her that!"
"I'm sorry juvia-san, it's just your always the party killer." replied wendy in her sweet trembling little voice.
Juvia stood there in shock. She stood there for a solid 10 seconds staring at the girls with tears in her eyes and tears strolling down her cold red cheeks. Which made everyone feel a little guilty.
"You guys aren't good friends at all! I can't believe first you would leave me in the cold and embarrass juvia like that, then celebrate that I'm gone!" She stormed to her dorm room with tears in her eyes. She was furious.

                   Next morning

Juvia sat in her bed with her Gray plushies crying and weeping because of the things the girls said to her. She thought they liked her and considered her as a friend.
It was true that juvia had not been in fairy tail for long, she was still new but she hoped that people would still accept her for who she was.
"Juvia-san!!" "Juvia are you in there?"
She heard wendy and Erza's voices and then the others.
"Look we're sorry for what we said and how we treated you. We want you to be our friend again."
Juvia heard them but tried to ignore what they said.
" Please juvia, we are so sorry for what we did. We want you to forgive us."
Juvia said" go away I want to be alone!"
" as you wish" replied Erza.
As they left juvia thought to herself ' at least my Gray-sama still cares about me."

I hope you liked the first chapter! I will try to update everyday!!😆

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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