chapter 2

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I walked into the lobby my colleague Sarah waved at me signalling me to come to her  I went to the reception where she works.

"Good evening Ariana ". Sarah greeted me. "Evening Sarah".

"What happen Sarah you look sad". I questioned her.
" please can you take over my shift my boyfriend james had an accident". She wiped her face.

"oh my God is he alright" I asked her holding her hands
"I don't know yet please I really need to check on him I promise I won't stay long " she begged staring at me
"OK Sarah no worries he will be fine " I said hugging her and cleaned her tears, she packed her stuff in her bag and gave me a tight hug

"You are the best Ariana"
"I  know sarah Take care" I grinned at  her.
"Okay" she replied and left in a hurry.
I sat down on the chair. I was going through the books on Sarah desk.

Everywhere felt cold weird it was warm now I felt an icy stare at me
I got scared and looked up. fuck me

"G Good e evening s sir, w welcome to kings hotel".
I said in shock as I stammered. He smirked of all  persons to come it was this devil that came.

" You work here" he raised an eyebrow up asking an obvious question.
Durh why will I be here talking to you if i don't work here.

"Yes sir". His partner came up "Good evening sir" I greeted him. "Evening miss..."

"Carter" I told him "okay am Mr martins jake and the person beside me is Mr Elliot drake. Can you direct us to our room. We have a meeting reservation with DMG electronics it was booked here for us". I nodded and checked their names on the computer and found their names.

" okay sir" I took the pass card to the room and gave them directions to the business room.

"I will send a waiter  to your room now"
"No lead the way" he said monotonously his icy gaze on me daring me to say no.

We went to the elevator I pressed the button to the floor. we stayed in elevator in silence. I was so relieved when the elevator dinged and opened. We stepped out of the elevator and through the passage we arrived at their room I swiped the pass card and the door opened. We entered into the room.

"Sir is their any refreshment I should get for you"
Mr Elliot was starring at his phone and said "Get us four bottle water and get lost" Mr Elliot replied rudely "

"Okay sir" that jerk I left the room and about three minutes later i came with the bottle water.

Mr Elliot was looking at me as i bent down. My shirt button opened revealing my breast a little. I served the water and stood up, I moved my hands to my button when I caught Mr Elliot eyes on my breast and roaming my body . I buttoned up quickly.

I stepped on him on purpose he glared at me I acted innocent and smirked at him.

"Enjoy yourselves sir" I said an left  pervert, you deserve it.

I went to the reception and met Sarah, she hugged me.
"How is James " I asked anxiously.
"he is fine he is getting discharged tomorrow" she said smiling

"Thank you so much babe, I appreciate" she said smiling.
"No problem dear anything for you"
We talked a little then I went to my office to continue my work when my shift was over
I reported to Mr henry and left work.

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