Trust no men

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Lapis POV

I shot awake after having a dream about my past memories during my orphan days. I miss her Is the only thing that would go through my mind. I look down to my chest to see a necklace that meant everything to me that meant everything to her I hold it up making contact between the necklace and my lips I hold this position for a few seconds before handing it back down and getting up to get ready for the day.

I took off my PJs and the necklace setting it on the dresser beside my bathroom door. I went inside the shower and let the hot water run through my hair and body living warm sensation. I washed my dyed blue hair with strawberry smelled conditioner massaging my temples as I do so. I washed my body and rinsed off the soap from head to toe. I filled my bathroom tub with hot water before relaxing my body in the tub feeling all my worries washed away. I brushed my teeth and dry myself living my dyed blue hair damp. I wrapped my body with a towel and went out the bathroom to wear my maid outfit uniform for work. I dried my hair before putting on the uniform and wore "my" peridot necklace.

I put on a coat and was greeted by my step brother, Steven. "Good morning Lapis" he got up from the dinning chair to give me a tight hug, I hugged back. "So what are you going to do today?" he said with stars in his eyes. "I'm going to work Steven" "Oh.... okay" he made   a sad smile and slowly pulls away from the hug. I sighed and bend down to his height and put my hands on both of his shoulders. "I'm sorry Steven I want spend time with you today but I've got work to do" I gave him a small sorry smile he looked up and said "But dad has a lot of money now and I have some money too so you don't have to go to work" I shook my head in response "I know Steven but I have to work for myself too I'm 23 now I gotta learn how to support myself" "But... I hate seeing you off to work...some people are gonna touch you again...and you just came to beach city yesterday and it can't be fun time at the beach without my beach summer fun buddy..." I hesitated when at the middle of Steven's sentence but shrugged it off. "It's okay Steven I can spend the whole day with you during my day off, so for now can you hang with Connie and Amethyst for me?" he nodded "But you promise to spend some time with me during your day off right?" I smiled and booped his nose "Yes. Every second" he laughed and hugged me once more "I love you Lapis, please be safe" I snorted "I love you too Stevie" he let go of me and we bid each other goodbye before I went out the door.

I walked to the big donut and bought a bagel and coffee for my breakfast. After I finished I walked to my work spot and entered. The café opens from 10:00a.m to 7:30p.m and I arrived there 30 minutes early. I entered the café and saw my bosses they were a couple. One of them were calm and the other was short tempered they both had an adopted daughter I saw her once. She was taller than both of her mothers but had a skin color, hair cut like on of them but has the almost identical personality like her other mother. I knew she was adopted since before both of her parents were females but I don't why does she look so related to both of them.

I greet my boss, got a smile and nod in response. I walked into the staff room hanged up my coat. I drank a cup of water and sat in the staff room for a few minutes. 10 minutes before opening of the café I got up walked to the door took in a deep breath and opened  the door knob. Prepare for the worst Lapis.

Meanwhile at Peridot's early awaken

Peridot POV

I woke up at 3 in the morning, better get prepare for the assination game. I let out a sigh, I walked to my ginormous bathroom that's connected to my office. Yep I fell asleep on my office desk, as always. I got so used from sleeping in my office until I installed a dresser with most of my clothes there. I washed myself and dried up with a dry towel. I decided to use the gel I had, to style and put my hair towards the back. I chose this than my usual triangle style which I was fond to. I put on my yellow tempted visor. What I like about my visors is that you can't see my emerald green eyes. So its more easier for me to murder people without them looking at me in the eyes...... Sigh why did my life turn differently.... I wore a tuxedo and went out the door. I'm sorry.

Soft killers (Mafia au) [Lapidot] <human au>Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon