"Mitch. Darling. Wake up." Scott moved his shoulder gently to shake me from my sleep.

"Five more minutes."

"You can sleep in the hotel." My drowsiness seemed to disappear into thin air.

"Hotel?" I got out of the car to follow Scott after I made sure I looked presentable.

"You think I'm going to drive three hours again tonight. Fuck that." I giggled. It was still weird to hear my teacher cursing like this. I barely heard Scott curse anyways. When we were walking into the hotel, I made a daring move and slipped my fingers between his. He smiled, giving my hand a little squeeze. I was able to touch Scott in public.

"You know, I probably look like a pedophile." He spoke once we were in the elevator.

"Nah. You look my age."

"You keep saying that but I don't believe it." I looked for the next stop before ours.

"I can prove it." Before the doors opened I pulled Scott into a kiss, placing his arms around my waist. I pulled away in fake surprise when someone made a noise of disgust. "Sorry."

"Damn teenagers." The woman muttered under her breath as she stood to wait for another elevator. When the doors closed, I looked at Scott in triumph.

"Are you kidding me?" I shrugged in response. I had proven my point. I win. I waited until Scott unlocked our hotel room before I ran in. It was amazing. I jumped onto the bed.

"This is so cool!" Scott came to the edge of the bed to watch me jump on it with his arms crossed. He had this look of authority on his features.

"Get off the bed."

"Make me." He rolled his eyes, going to the bathroom. I frowned. He was suppose to be more fun than this. I jumped off the bed. It made me smile. There was only one bed. Even though I sleep in Scott's bed with him at home. "Why are you being a buzzkill?" I flopped back on the mattress.

"I'm not. Come on." Ten minutes later, I was walking with Scott to wherever he was taking me. I was hugging his arm. "What's up with you?" I hummed shyly.

"I could never do this before. It makes me happy." He placed a kiss on my cheek. I felt like I was in a real relationship right now. Especially when we sat down for dinner in this cute restaurant. Right now, Scott wasn't my teacher. He was my boyfriend. A wonderful boyfriend. I moved over to his side of the booth to hug him. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For making me feel like a human." He looked at me weird.

"Well you are Mitch." He brushed his nose against mine. "You're my smart and very beautiful boyfriend." Almost five months with Scott. I couldn't believe it. He was my longest relationship ever. This was pretty much my only relationship. I wouldn't consider quick fucks as something to go off.

"And you're not a monster."

"Don't start that." Scott moved back from me.

"Stop thinking that you are." I backed him up into the booth until he was cornered. I turned his face so he was looking at me. "You are an amazing guy. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Can we not bring this up tonight?"

"Not until you believe me." He sighed, resting his elbow on the table.

"Why are you so set on this?"

"Because you aren't a murderer." I brushed my fingers along his cheek. "I love you. I wouldn't stay if I though you had blood on your hands." He leaned forward to connect our lips.

I Can Show You How To Love Mr. HoyingWhere stories live. Discover now