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As the book says (Don't ask what book), each of the Zodiac Signs go through rebirth after they have died. But, the common age of which one has to die is around 16, and they look the same after rebirth.  Before one can be chosen, they would have to of done a pure act of character the will play out to be. This being said, let's begin.

(Evan's POV)

As the bell rung for lunch, I stood up , pushing away form my desk with my hands, and walked to the front of the classroom. I saw every one in their little cliques, and cleared my throat, " I, Evan Alexander captain of the baseball team, am here to remind any students wanting to join the team must sign up before August 29th, meet at the school's baseball field today after school for practice , thank you." 

My heart raced, I have never done anything like this before, luckily I had a good poker face and didn't show my nervousness.The thing was that the baseball team from before was banned for not having enough players so I was scared if it would happen again. When I sat back down one of my friends who was also on the baseball team, congratulated me, " Man you actually did it, and well said!" 

By the time the day ended about 2 students joined the team, as I walked home, my head all fuzzy thinking about the baseball team and all, I heard a horn of a semi over all my thoughts. When I looked to see where it was coming form, the truck had crashed into me. The last thing to go through my head was but a fuzz, " Is this it?"

I jumped up from the ground, but it didn't look like i was on the streets anymore, everything was white. 

(Taylor's POV) 

Man,  Samantha is having another party, as her boyfriend , I am forced to go. I started dating her about two months ago and all she has done is thrown a party every Saturday, at first I liked it, but now it's getting tiresome. I looked away from my phone and up at my ceiling fan, I stretched my arms and legs out a cross my bed and sighed. It was about a hour before the party and I grabbed my jacket and headed there, listening to music on the way. 

When I got there, 20 minutes later, I saw that there was about 3 people there already, including my girlfriend.  I walked over to where they were at and leaned on Samantha jokingly, the rest of the people there was all in my class, " So can we started early"

One of the other girls there bothered, me not really caring, shut my eyes and shrugged. Samantha, getting out from underneath my arm stared at me, "Yes! Tay could you go get the beer", Sighing I walked into the kitchen from the pool area. Grabbing about 6 cans, I walked back out side, " Okay got them so what next," I said as I hand each of them one. 

The girl form before swayed to her side, " There's a game when tie each other up and you have to escape and the first one to get out gets to push the other in the pool!"

With all of them agreeing, I shrugged once again, but really I thought this was a bad idea, but what the heck this is a party after all. Samantha and the girl who suggested it went first, the other girl got out first, so like said from before she pushed Samantha into the water. Samantha was already close to being out that when she hit the water she was out as well. Next up was me, after they tied up the other dude and me, we started. But when I was trying to get my arms loose, I lost balance since my legs were tied together, falling into the water the I wasn't close to being out so I just squirmed in the water like a fish out of water. 

Not being able to get out of the rope I gave up, I just sat there enjoying the peace of the water. I let go and I lost grip of life.

Gasping for air again, I looked around, freed of the rope, but saw nothing but whiteness.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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