A Secret for life

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  Ses-what did he just say? Great now i'm hearing things grace thought apparently turning into a man wasn't the only thing that was happening to her. She remained silent because she knew no matter what answer she gives, it will seem strange. She just looked at the man like this was her first time hearing it, which in fact was. 

Doctor took a breath and asked "So you don't remember to this extent. I think there is no problem with your memory of body functions. You can drink, eat, shower and dress yourself. This is not the first time a patient started to speak another language they didn't even know before as well. We will just run some tests and after that your manager can explain you everything about your life. We will run a couple of MRI scans and some other tests. As his legal guardian you must approve and sign some documents and we can start. Apart from memory loss he doesn't seem to have any other problem." His last sentences was for the man behind him who was wearing a beige suit and black rimmed glasses. A slim and tall figure that gave off a feeling of professionalism.

After taking a lot of tests and talking to a lot of people with white coats grace felt she was getting impatient.It seems she didn't go under the knife and exchanged brains with this body's owner. But more like she exchanged souls. At least this was the conclusion she had come to. If they exchanged souls that meant the soul of this body already went to heaven to rest for eternity. She didn't think there would be a way to go back to her own body. She already came to terms with her death, this was the so called second chance in life. She was called Grace before because her mother wanted her to live gracefully. She couldn't achive that in her first life but she will in this life. The chance heaven's gave her she will use it to the fullest living gracefully till death. And no one will know she is grace. She will live as this body's owner and take this secret to her grave.

"Name Hong Mi Jung, twenty three years old. High school graduate. You don't have any siblings or relatives. Your mother died when you were five, your father's whereabouts are unknown. You have a contract with Galaxy Ent. which is valid in the next five years. You are part of an male idol group called A-Gen with seven other members active. These are the general information about your life. Now, do you have any questions?"

Grace listened to this asian no sesgad man talking about her body's owner's life. He looked quite uninterested in all this situation. An idol? What even is that? She thought.

Her long hair getting inside her eyes, she didn't know how to handle it. Ever since the day she got chemotheraphy when she was 9 she didn't have any hair. Not even one eyelash. Now she had loads of them and even though this made her happy, it made her irritated at the same time. Brushing her hair back she answered the man with glasess who is said to be her manager.

"No." She knew if she asked what an idol was or anything else this man would just get up and go away. It was apparent that he was just asking without expecting any questions. He nodded his head to grace and started talking again.

" Now ,let's talk about what is going to happen now. Your group has already debuted so there is no way i can exempt you from the activities and now you have amnesia and can't even speak sesgad we will just say that you have a throat condition and cannot hold long coverstions for awhile. I'm sure you can at least learn some words and short sentences. In the meantime we have to start your training right away. I don't want to think about this but worst case of scenario is you not being able to sing and dance at all. So as a precaution we are going teach you from the scratch and give you a crash course on everything."
   Grace was stunned once again, what was wrong with her second life and these shocking informations. "Wait, what? Did you just say dancing and singing? I dance?" Her manager sent her a deadpan look that said she shouldn't even be asking about it. Without answering grace he continued with his speech.

"Since your group only debuted six months ago there is not a lot of songs for you to memorize.You were in coma for thirteen days so i don't think there will be any problems with your training. You might've forgetten the dance moves or the song lyrics but your body wouldn't forget how to dance and sing."
  "It might be challenging but you won't have as hard a time as you did when you first started as a trainee. I will give you a file about yourself and your group members, what you like, your hobbies, the food you hate and some other information we filled in the company and the groups' page. You will be discharged from the hospital three days later. Until then try to memorize them and sleep and rest. Because after three days you won't be able to."

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