Chapter 7

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I woke up to an empty bed. Keaton, no doubt, had left in the middle of the night seeing as it was 6 in the morning. I turned on my stomach and fell off my bed onto a clean floor. Keaton cleaned it for me. I decided to get up off the floor and take a shower.

I opened my door to see Wes and Mia making out in the hall.

"Get a damn room!" I yelled walking to the bathroom slamming the door once I was in. "No respect I swear." I mumbled.

I turned the hot water on and got in. My IPod playing a random song from my Spotify.

I got out of the shower about an hour later when the hot water ran out. I left the bathroom in my towel carrying my things back to my room.

Once I was back in my room my phone rang. it was the hospital.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Ms. Ryder?" a person said on the other end.

"Yea, how can I help you?"

"Your parents..." he paused, "well Kat just come down here you will want to say Goodbye in person," he hung up.

I panicked and threw on random clothes then ran out my room looking for my keys. "HAS ANYONE SEEN MY KEYS?!?!?" I yelled running into the living room.

"Yes and you can't have them back till we talk," Leah said. her Mia and the guys were sitting at the table.

"I DO not have time for this I need my keys..." I was cut off.

"Jessa you need to listen to us," Mia spoke up.

"LISTEN TO ME! MY PARENTS ARE DYING AND YOU WONT GIVE ME MY DAMN KEYS!!!" I yelled at them," now please give me my keys before I run to the hospital." I said holding out my hand.

Leah looked and Mia," I'm sorry J we can't do that,"

"Fuck you!" I yelled running out the door towards the hospital.

God, please keep them alive till I get there.

I made it to the hospital about 20 minutes later. I ran to the front desk, "Ryder?" I asked.

"I'm sorry sweetie they died about 5 minutes ago."

I had had it, I broke down right there not caring who saw. the nurse came around the desk and held me as I sobbed into her chest.

I got up said my thanks then left. As I exited the building Keaton, Wes, Drew, Mia, and Leah pulled up.

"Fuck you..." I whispered at them then took off running. I heard Drew say let her go she needs her space.

I don't know where I was or how I ended up here, but I kept running. running away from everything, everyone.

I stopped to see where I was. I was at the "Hollywood" sign.

I heard a car door shut. I looked up to see Drew.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Coming to talk to you," Drew came over and hugged me.

"If I had my car I could have said goodbye," I mumbled into his chest.

"I know," was all he said, but then that's all he had to say. Drew could calm me down just be being in the same room as me. He was the only one of the guys who knew about my sister and once he knew he would go to her grave with me.

"I'm hungry," I mumbled.

"Ok, let's get you some food them head home," he led me to his car.

"Drew?" I said before I entered the car.

"Yes Jessa," he looked at me.

"Thanks," I got in the car.


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