Chapter 1-Commoners Paradise

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Chapter 1-Commoners Paradise(Re-made)

 (Nani-What) In japanese

"Ahhh, Finally I get to be with the rich and snobby kids of Ouran High." You in-haled sharply, "Smell That, (Y/N)? That's the smell of money."

You giggled at the front of the gates of Ouran High Academy. You stomped up towards the doors of Ouran High, purposely making your self know. Your clad shoes stomped loudly on the concrete of the floor. You smiled gently at anyone. 'Civil yet Savage'. was your moto, for some reason you didn't like rich kids. It was like adding water to your peaceful bowl of oil. You had gotten a scholar ship here, like your close friend Haruhi. Though she came before you, doesn't mean you wouldn't be able to find your big eyes friend.

"Wow, This place is huge." A light sigh left your mouth as you stared amaze at the school. "Too, bad the people inside aren't."

"Hm.." You loocked down at the map that came with the map that came in the mail with the scholar ship."It says the office is here...." You mumbled looking up at the sign that read 'Music room #3'

"That doesn't seem right...."
You hummed for a bit before opening it, "Ah, what the hell why not-ACK!" Your speech was cut off by at least a billion roses coming at your face at 500 miles per hour. "What the hell was that?!"

"Welcome to the host club, my princess." A boy with blonde hair and Violet eyes greeted you.

"Eh..." Your face was shocked. "Too, shocked to talk? I know our beauty has an affect like that on peopl-"

"No I'm shocked because you wont let go of my hand, womanizer."

"W-Womanize-ze-er....." He shudder and ran off into some corner. "Haruhi...pleasee...."

"Just once."

"I said no, I'm not gonna play which one is Hikari game, I've already gotten it right!"


"Haruhi?" You questioned. "Haruhi...Is that you..?"

"(Y/N)...You-You made it!" She squealed."Remind me not to ever do that again."

You nodded while smiling. Haruhi jumped up and hugged, "Hehe, Haruhi...Dont put so much weight onto me!"

"Oh, sorry.." Haruhi jumped off of you, "Wait Haruhi....Wasn't your hair long...?"

"Yeah, I cut it becuase I got gum stuck in it."

"N-N-NANI?!" You shook her back and forth, but she didn't seem fazed by it, "W-What have you monsters done to my Harhi." You squeaked, as your eyes filled with fake tears. You grabbed Haruhi into a dip and a rose had suddenly been place into your mouth.

"Haruhi My love, My life, My friend." The background music cut off and the rose disappeared, "Thanks to you monsters you made her cut it all off!"

"Uhm," A boy with orange hair jumped in, "No." Said his twin

"Haruki's hair," One said while clasping his hand to his brothers, "Has always been like that." The other completed his sentence.

"Ehh....." You sat there as a sweat drop came down your face, "You cut your hair before you ever came to Ouran...?"

"Hai! Your so Wacky (Y/N) always jumping to conclusions....That's why I like you." She smiled


"Oh my Harhi that was so cute!" The same blonde haired boy grabbed Haruhi and started to hug her, swinging her around.

"Mori, Please take care of Tamaki," One twin said. "He's going wild again." The other finished

"..." Mori got up and grabbed Tamaki by the collar and dragged him away from Haruhi. Haruhi dusted herself off before continuing on with her life.

"Eh.....Harhu, is that....normal?" You asked shivering a bit. "Yup. You'll get used to it after some time."

"Huh....? I'm a bit dizzy..." You have swirly bits in your eyes, And there it all un-folded. You feel back first into a expensive looking vase, "Holy crap, who's is this...Oh my I didn't mean too!"

"I'm beginning to think that is a death trap." Haruhi said taking your hand.

"Huh, death trap-"

"I am afraid that was going to be used in the winter we don't have it."

"Kyoya no. I will pay off her depth." Haruhi said standing infront of you, "But, Harhi arent you still in depth!" A happy go lucky little boy jumped up in Haruhi's face. Harhi deflated.

"Riight... I forgot."

"Now you have to pay off this depth by working at Ouran High School Academy's very first....Host club."


~Maybe Your my love~

"What the hell is this?!" You yelled as all of the host club came popping up in 1 frame against you.

-You know how the theme song goes-

"What the hell was that.." You sighed. "What the hell was what?" Kyoya asked....You face palmed yourself





my love  ♥

( っ '๐')つ⌒♥

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