Chapter 7

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    The next morning (y/n) woke up, brushed his teeth, and went into the kitchen in his pajamas. He was making coffee when two strong arms turned him around to face them. "Good morning (y/n)," said Thor. "M-morning Thor. How did you sleep?" Replied (y/n) hesitantly. Thor put on a slight pouty face. "I was quite lonely last night. Maybe you can join me tonight." (Y/n) blushed a little. "Well, I don't really find it comfortable sleeping with other people. I prefer to sleep alone." "Well that's too bad," Thor said with a smirk. "I would've enjoyed your company for the night." (Y/n), not knowing how to respond, turned back around and continued making his coffee. Thor, not giving up on (y/n), placed his arms around (y/n)'s waist and leaned in to kiss (y/n)'s neck. (Y/n) squeaked at the contact and Thor took it as an invitation to do more. He started to leave a love bite and trail his hands down (y/n)'s figure. "Thor, please stop," begged (y/n). "Why should I," said Thor with a smirk. "Because he said so," came a stern voice. Both males turned around to see Steve striding towards them. Thor let go of (y/n) and crossed his arms. "Steve, I'm sorry you seemed to have caught us in a moment. But I'm sure you understand that it is quite hard to keep my hands off of (y/n)." Steve became outraged. "Well from now on you better not lay a finger on him," he said. He walked over to (y/n), grabbed his hand, and moved him out of Thor's reach. "You can't tell me what to do, Steve," said Thor. "Don't forget that I am the god of thunder. I can lay my hands on him whenever I want." Without saying another word, Thor, while glaring at Steve, walked out of the kitchen. When Thor was gone, (y/n) let out a sigh of relief.  (Y/n) leaned into Steve's chest and Steve took one of (y/n)'s hands. "Thor makes me feel so uncomfortable. I think he even tried to give me a hickey before," said (y/n). "I know. I won't let him do anything else to you," replied Steve, trying to comfort (y/n). They smiled lovingly at each other before they heard people talking in the distance so they quickly separated and made breakfast. As time went by, more and more of the avengers went into the kitchen for breakfast, and after they finished eating and drinking their coffee, they slowly left to go sit in the lounge area of the compound. After Steve and (y/n) finished their breakfast, they went to their rooms to get ready for the day since they haven't done so already. When they were done, they both went to the lounge area together to join everyone else. Steve sat on the couch and (y/n) was about to sit right next to him when Thor says, "(y/n), why don't you come sit over here. I still haven't gotten to know you well enough." Steve quickly stood up and went in front of (y/n). "I think you have gotten to know him well enough," said Steve darkly. Thor also got up and glared at Steve. "I plan to know as much as I can about (y/n). I don't think it's any secret that I have feelings for him." "Well I said it was enough. You're not getting any closer to him. I don't care if you have feelings for him. You make him uncomfortable," Steve said. Thor looked a little surprised. "Of course I don't make him uncomfortable. That's ridiculous. Who would resist a godly being such as I," Thor exclaimed. "It's clearly not hard to resist you, Thor," Steve said. "Because (y/n) clearly doesn't want to be near you. And I don't want you going near him either." Thor sighed. "Steve, I'm tired of you telling me that I can't go near him," Thor said. "And anyways, why do you have such a problem with it? It doesn't appear to me that anyone else cares if I get close to (y/n)." "Because you don't know him like I do," said Steve raising his voice slightly. Thor, taken aback, started to raise his voice as well. "Well I plan to get to know him more than you ever could. And if you would just stop getting in my way you would see that (y/n) and I have a great relationship already," said Thor. Steve looked ready to kill Thor. "Well you can't have him," started Steve, "because I already fucked him! He's mine!" After saying that, everyone became silent. All of the members, except for Nat, looked extremely surprised at what Steve confessed aloud. (Y/n), on the other hand, couldn't believe it. He became embarrassed and his face blushed a deep shade of red as the members gazes turned towards him. He lowered his head and shifted uncomfortably where he stood. After a few more seconds of silence, (y/n) couldn't take it anymore. He needed some fresh air. He quickly grabbed Steve's arm and started pulling him towards the front door without saying a word. Steve was worried about what (y/n) would say after what he had just yelled out. He let the smaller male drag him outside and into an alleyway right next to the compound. (Y/n) let go of Steve's arm and leaned against the wall with a deep breath. Steve quickly walked in front of (y/n) and started to apologize profusely. "(Y/n), I am so sorry. I shouldn't have said that out loud it's not fair to you. I don't have the right to call you mine and if you want to leave me for Thor that's fine cau-" before Steve could finish, (y/n) gave him a slow kiss. After (y/n) pulled back he gave Steve a smile. "It's fine," he said. "I don't mind so much that you actually said that. It was just a little embarrassing." Steve breathed a sigh of relief. "Ok, good," Steve said. "After I said that I got so worried about how you felt." (Y/n) smiled again. "Why don't we go see a movie to get our minds off of what just happened so we don't worry about it?" He asked. Steve nodded. "That sounds like a good idea," he said. The two walked to the movies and decided to see a horror film. (Y/n), pretending to be scared, used the movie to his advantage and cuddled up into Steve's side. Steve wrapped an arm around (y/n)'s shoulder and they sat like that for the rest of the film.

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